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white scars... army done.... (PIC HEAVY)


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The army look amazing. That weathered look really fits the White scars IMHO. And the weathering is also well executed.


However... There is one detail that bothered me, and that is the mud on the bikes. On a tank it feels right to have chunks of mud/sand on the lower parts of the hull. But on a bike's wheels it makes no sense to have mud stuck only on the lower part since it is supposed to spin round. It looks strange. I think it would look much better spread evenly over the wheel.


But that is just a minor complaint on a great army!

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I really like these, I think the weathering especially suits the white scars given how they're always on the go - I just picture them tearing through the rain and mud at breakneck speed ready to outflank a bunch of 'nids or some other equally disgusting xenos. Congratulations on the completed army!
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Nice looking army but tbh there should be a few more bike squads to fit more with the White Scars background.


Just my opinion though.


Actually to fit the background all units must merely be mobile and there be no Dreads or Devastator Squads. So the army is perfectly fluffy, more bikes might be nice but it's got both transported units, Assault Marines and Bikes and everything is mobile so... it fits.

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The army look amazing. That weathered look really fits the White scars IMHO. And the weathering is also well executed.


However... There is one detail that bothered me, and that is the mud on the bikes. On a tank it feels right to have chunks of mud/sand on the lower parts of the hull. But on a bike's wheels it makes no sense to have mud stuck only on the lower part since it is supposed to spin round. It looks strange. I think it would look much better spread evenly over the wheel.


But that is just a minor complaint on a great army!


Exactly what I thought, so add mud all the way round the wheels and then I can say no more! ;)

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  • 3 weeks later...

Absolutely perfect battle damage. I've struggled with battle damage. This is perfect.... More 'Scars' than 'White' though eh? :huh: Excellent looking army. A perfect feel. This is how I imagine White Scars.


Would you say this is a quick 'batch' type of army, or how hard is it to do this? I have thoughts of Imp Fists like this, or my World Eaters, but Chaos armour is SO busy already, I don't think it would work.... have you tried this on other armies? To be honest I was thinking of even trying it on Iron Hands to "liven" up the black..... any advice?


++Edit++ Actually I had thought some of this would have been toothbrush flickered paint in some areas, but you say it's all 'sponge' work? Like a common household sponge?


I gotta re-emphasize, this is perfect for this army.

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That's a very striking, effective and realistic weathered look! The Mk6 Helmet with the Red 'Scars' is very cool also :huh: As Khalil said, your painting methods bestow a very 'Savage' look on all of the warriors, which can only be a good thing :)


Puts the 'Scars' back in 'White Scars'! Nice one!

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Thanks for all the comments guys! Sorry I haven't checked in in a while... right lets see...


It has a lot of character, I love it.


Please write up a tutorial, with photos, about how you weather power armor and armored vehicles. You did a terrific job of it.


I have but a few half way stage pics, I'm sure I'll get asked this alot so I'll post a tutorial. Generally I took tips from one of the FW books.. and just adapted it to fit power armour etc.. all the principles are the same.. from vehicles to troops... briefly:


Undercoat black,

Undercoat White - lightly so that the recesses are still dark/grey from the black under neath.. focus the white spray on the larger areas or raised areas.

Paint metallic areas black - This is the worst part of the whole thing! painting things like bolters... trims... wheels etc back to black so that the metallic has a darker tone when you paint it.

I used the foundation paint red (its name slips my mind) for the red trims on sholder pads etc..

Then Paint the metal - i used base of boltgun metal.... brown ink... dry brush bolt gun... for gold i do a base of bolt gold... brown ink... then dry brush gold...

Once this is all done i put on the transfers

Basically by this stage you want done everything that is likely to be chipped/weathered (normally means leaving out things like pouches/eyes/gems/ that sort of thing)

then with a sponge (cut small for marines) i use the sponge from cut offs of case sponge.. lightly dab boltgun metal onto the model... this bit takes practice..

Then I use a wash made of brown oil paint thinned with white spirits.. .again the amount takes getting used to... this is then painted into the recess areas.. any areas where dirt would build up... its then left to dry for about a min (again this varies with the wash) and using a clean dry drybrush.. the paint is dragged across the model in the relevant direction (generally downwards).

Finally... paint eyes/faces/gems etc.. all those things that would be "fresh" on the model..


Hope that helps i know i said brief but that pretty much describes it all! :D


Would you say this is a quick 'batch' type of army, or how hard is it to do this? I have thoughts of Imp Fists like this, or my World Eaters, but Chaos armour is SO busy already, I don't think it would work.... have you tried this on other armies? To be honest I was thinking of even trying it on Iron Hands to "liven" up the black..... any advice?


++Edit++ Actually I had thought some of this would have been toothbrush flickered paint in some areas, but you say it's all 'sponge' work? Like a common household sponge?


As a batch approach its not too bad... i did some of the tatical marines this way... as i just mentioned the worst part of it all is painting areas back to black. I haven't tried it on any other armies yet... I'm in the process of reviving my tau army and think they will be clean.. however I have just come into posession of something that will see this type of treatment.... more to come on that... as for livening up the black.. its pretty hard to do as I don't think the brown weathering would show up... but then again nothing wrong with testing it may be very subtle but effective... the one thing i could suggest is the use of weathering powders around the feet/ankes... if you got a light brown powder (either bought or scrapping it off a pastel) simple bit of white spiriting painted on... then a clean dry dry brush pic up some powder and spread it on the area... this would cut up the black i reckon..

As i mentioned.. sponge wise i use cut offs from my carry case sponge... every day sponge would work.. although make sure its not too 'airy' if you get me.

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Ok here is the army list (sorry if there is a proper section for these) as requested.. 1750pts


White Scars 1750pts



Kor’Sarro Khan on Moondrakkon



Power fist, Jump Pack



Tactical Squad 1 (10 man)



Power Weapon (srgt)


Twin linked las-cannon, Extra Armour



Tactical Squad 2 (10 man)


Missile Launcher

Power Weapon (srgt)



Bike Squad 1 (5 man)

Melta gun

Power Fist (srgt)



Bike Squad 2 (4+1 Attack Bike)

Plasma gun

Power weapon (srgt)

Multi-melta upgrade


Scout Squad (5 man)


Power weapon (srgt)



Land Speeder Storm, Heavy Flamer



Vanguard Veteran Squad (7 man)

2 Power Weapons

Jump Packs



Vindicator Siege Shield


Expansion wise... well in terms of apocalypse I wanted to keep it fluffy, so I would say that they wouldn't take super heavies, termies, dreadnoughts etc as they are all far to slow moving.. so really it kind of restricts things to more vindicators (i could have a line breaker squad) more bikes/troops (not liking the thought of all that painting! hahah) maybe some predators.... flyers would be cool... speeder squads would work well too i think..

the lack of D weapons or anything to take out the superheavies etc might be a problem so I thought about combining it with an imperial guard element... my thoughts were to say join it with either talarn or vahallan guard (vahallan keeping the snow/white theme) and basically just having masses of artillary... having a bombardment pattern so just things like bombardment cannons, medusas, things like that static guns really... the idea being that big guns bombard the enemy while the fast scars outflank etc.. but this then moves away from an apocalypse white scars force...


Of course I could just throw down a reaver titan hahah.

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  • 3 weeks later...
The army look amazing. That weathered look really fits the White scars IMHO. And the weathering is also well executed.


However... There is one detail that bothered me, and that is the mud on the bikes. On a tank it feels right to have chunks of mud/sand on the lower parts of the hull. But on a bike's wheels it makes no sense to have mud stuck only on the lower part since it is supposed to spin round. It looks strange. I think it would look much better spread evenly over the wheel.


But that is just a minor complaint on a great army!


Exactly what I thought, so add mud all the way round the wheels and then I can say no more! :D



:P :tu: :tu: B) Brilliantly conceived and executed with lots of individualistic touches sprinkled throughout while maintaining a wonderful consistency of character. I do have to agree with the above posts, though, as my only reservations on execution. If you do happen to revisit those models in the future, you might also keep in mind the mud thickness around the tire, such as it being thinner on the sides of the tires due to scraping off by the forks. Again, let me congratulate you and the fantastic job you have done.

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