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My SM chapter (Lonnnnnnnnng term)


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Hi brothers,


My Word Bearers army being almost finished, I would like to create my chapter. I'm going to construct the 1st company (just 15 - 20 Terminators armours and the rest : sternguard/vanguard). My Chapter Master will count as Pedro Cantor. For the name of the chapter => Arctic Claws, but not sure.


Ok, now, my colours :


Veteran Sargent :




Veteran :




What do you think of these colours ? And, what blue to use ?


Thanks for your help :)



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That is a very nice scheme, it stands out quite well and the black and white trim contrast nicely against the blue. As for which blues to use, i would say Hawk Turquoise as a base blue and Ice Blue for all your highlighting needs! Not the best painter but they were the closest on the GW colour chart COLOUR CHART GW, im sure one of the more experienced painter will be along to correct me later!


I agree that the color scheme is quite distintive and well done. I would also agree that Hawk Turquoise is a good start, but something that you probably ought to think through before you start is the end result. Meaning:


1. Are you going to strive for a "bright" looking army with start contrasts and more of a pristine appearance?


2. Or are you going to go for a darker style with less stark contrasts, possibly with battle damage, dirt, etc.?


If I was going to paint these guys, I'd choose #2 as I prefer that end result. That means that I'd probaby mix something with the Hawk Turquoise to tone it down a bit. Something like 1/3rd Shadow Grey + 2/3rds Hawk Turquoise. Then your highlights start at HT and work your way up from there. This will yield a "darker" finish.


If you were going to pick option #1, then you could just go straight Hawk Turquoise.


Either way, it is an excellent scheme.



I quite like the colours and agree that Hawk Turquoise is the way to go. I'm not too sure about the black helmets on the veterans though, too much darkness near the top of the colour scheme for me, the white helmet on the Vet. Sarge looks much better in my opinion. For ease of shading and highlighting you could get some spare paint pots and mix hawk turquoise and chaos black for your shading in one and hawk turquoise and skull white for your highlights in the other. Save time and hassle ;)




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