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Word Bearers WIP Blog


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To start off I have been wanting to do Word Bearers for about 5 years now but I always had trouble getting the red to come out the way I wanted it to. I took a break from 40K for a few years but still practiced painting periodically. So recently I fished out some un-assembled chaos marines and painted did some test models and got the red that I wanted, thankfully to the foundation paints and new washes being very helpful.


Here is the first completed marine:











I'll post a step-by-step reply when start a new fig from primer to completion. I got 5 minis in progress at the moment, hopefully I will be able to post some updates this weekend.


C&C appreciated.



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Made some progress on these five guys this weekend. The scheme is getting quicker, due to the fact that I'm getting used to painting the models.


This is how they started out earlier today, where I had left off.



At the end of today's painting session:



Sorry about the image being tilted :tu:


Just need to finish the basing, clean up the lining around the eyes, tough up mistakes, and paint the horns/topknot.




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