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Change in Heraldry?


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Something that has always bugged me.


Pre-heresy, the Wolves were grey, kindof a codex grey, with red markings and highlights.


Post-heresy, the Wolves are kindof blue-grey, with red and yellow markings.


I know this.


Most of us accept this.


But has it ever actually been said... why?


Was there a specific reason for the change?


I have never actually read one.

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  Dread Wolf Master said:
speaking of which,


why is the imperial guard battle tank named after our primarch?


As I recall in the origional fluff Leman Russ was an Imperial Guard commander and developed the Leman Russ Battletank personally in a particular campaign by piecing it together from other vehicles and equipment. Of course much has changed in the fluff but the names remain the same. *shrug*


I guess in a more modern sense you could suppose that Leman Russ found the STC for the Leman Russ tank.

Actually, I think the tank is named after our Primarch because during the Horus Heresy, Russ stopped on the way to Terra with the Lion in order to save several forge worlds under attack. This he did because he had to foresight to understand the value of the weaponry and armor they could forge in the dark days of the Heresy. Because of Russ' intervention, the AM named the new tank after him.


At least that's the version I've read several times before. I may be wrong.

  Bran Scalphunter said:
Actually, I think the tank is named after our Primarch because during the Horus Heresy, Russ stopped on the way to Terra with the Lion in order to save several forge worlds under attack. This he did because he had to foresight to understand the value of the weaponry and armor they could forge in the dark days of the Heresy. Because of Russ' intervention, the AM named the new tank after him.


At least that's the version I've read several times before. I may be wrong.


this is the one i have seen too, it was another thing that led to the rivalry between the DA and the SW, lion blamed russ for the emperor's fate (IIRC).

Yea, I have always loved the story of Russ and the tank, thought it added character that they named the tank after him, and we are the only marines to use it becuase of his name.


As for the colour, I know that the "Actual" reason was that a Heavy Metal painter messed up, but I was wondering if they ever backed up the change with fluff. I know a couple of the chapters changed thier colours as a tribute, or a warning, or as a mourning, etc. I didnt know if anything had been come up with for the wolves.

  Keercrevlis said:
Probably will change again with the addition of Fenris Grey Foundation and not being able to buy SW Grey in spray can.


I doubt it, there doesn't seem to be an established Grey currently, any blue grey works fine, it used to be a more dark grey but now different painters do different shades of blue grey while some favor the much lighter color others use a darker palet but all seem equally valid and accepted.

I dont know if it ever officially said, but could it be a mourning colour?


Thier brothers rebeled.


They killed (lots of) thier brothers.


Thier father (Russ) has gone missing.


Thier grandfather (The Emperor) is a sitting corpse.


The 13th Company are AWOL.


I could justify darkening your armor to show mourning.


Of course, some might darken it more or less than others, depending on how devout they are.


Does that make any sense?

A mourning color that's lighter than the previous? Black is a fairly universal mourning color and Dorn changed his armor to black after the Siege of the Imeperial Palace and the fall of the Emperor, seems rather counter-intuitive that a mourning color would be lighter than the previous color scheme.
  kanaellars said:
Pre-heresy, the Wolves were grey, kindof a codex grey, with red markings and highlights.


Post-heresy, the Wolves are kindof blue-grey, with red and yellow markings.


As others have already pointed out, the color of grey on Space Wolves has nothing to do with pre/post heresy, but rather how one of the 'eavy metal painters chose to paint his Wolves many, many years ago. There is no in-game explanation. The new color and style caught on, and that is that.


  Vash113 said:
  Dread Wolf Master said:
speaking of which,


why is the imperial guard battle tank named after our primarch?


As I recall in the origional fluff Leman Russ was an Imperial Guard commander and developed the Leman Russ Battletank personally in a particular campaign by piecing it together from other vehicles and equipment. Of course much has changed in the fluff but the names remain the same. *shrug*


Actually, Leman Russ was originally a "Marine Commander" of the Space Wolves, not an Imperial Guard Commander. There is a one-pager about him, with a picture, in the original Rogue Trader rulebook (page 27). In it, Leman Russ was "Born 2612016, M32, Guranta D Gurantan system. Commissioned Adeptus Terra as a special agent 0134041, M32. First rose to imperial notice during Lucan Crusade. Appointed Imperial Commander Lucan 033042, M32. Instrumental in founding Adeptus Astartes unit 4 'Spacewolves'. Suffered severe alviola damage during acid storms on Susa. Transplanted with model cybron-osmotic gill."


I love going through the RT book and taking a trip down memory lane. It's sometimes fun to read the original fluff, before it was all retconned over the years.






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