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How to: Sternguard?


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To start off I’ll just state I’m new to 40k after a decade of not playing, so everything is learning.


I've prob played about 5 games total (All 1000 points so far to help in getting turns done and learning rules) but in the last two I’ve taken sternguard since I love the idea of them. The first time I took 6 of them 4 with combi meltas in a razorback, the second time I took 8 which i attached to lysander for the bolter drill and had 6 combi meltas, they had a rhino but I was using it more for cover and added a hunter killer to see how it fared (didn’t start lysander with the squad, and the squad did not begin in the rhino - due to termie armour not allowed in rhinos).


Here’s where it gets interesting, both times I’ve fired the combi meltas, 1st game vs a whirlwind, 2nd vs a dreadnaught and none really hit. the whirlwind was immobilised, but it already had been in a previous turn.


What am I doing wrong? The first game I rushed them forward behind two rhino transports and deployed them only to lose 2 to shooting after failing to kill a whirlwind. I hear so many stories of sternguard really wiping enemy units and blowing tanks and how it’s rare not to...it makes me wonder if I’ve missed something.


In the second I hung back and shot at the enemy marines but they did not seem to do much damage.


I suppose to cut this rambling short what I’m asking for is ideas, suggestions. and if possible what their ammo rounds should be used for (As in the instances, and vs what generally)


anyone got some help for me, such things as loads outs, powerfists worthwhile etc?

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Well in my first two outings with the Stern I had my Beloved 7 with Librarian locked in combat with Thousand Sons after wiping the squad of 7 down to the Sorcerer and 1 other. That combat lasted 2 turns and saw the death of my Librarian (I have a power fist in the squad as well!) and the majority of the other guys.


The second time they were stopped from GOI move by a Psychic hood and then fell to concentrated fire from 2 Storm Trooper Squads (it was embarrasing!).


So 0 for 2 in terms of affect on the game however I am more than willing to give them more chances. I have loaded mine up with 2 Combi Plasmas, 1 Plasma and 1 Fist. I will be either Dropping them or Rhino based. They will be attached to my Librarian conversion (who once I paint up had better be less of a Doomed guy).


I think this, on paper, makes them a fairly good MEQ and TEQ killing unit which should be manouverable. I am fully expecting them to be toasted in each game however because they are a complete neon bullet magnet to anyone who has ever read anything about their capabilities.


I think maybe you need to give them more of a chance. After all they are just a fancy Tactical Squad and we all know how meh they can be now and again <_<



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I've only used them once in an Apocalypse.

I had them in a Drop Pod together with my master. I dropped them next to the Deathbringer and shot him to pieces with the poisonous ammo.

The next turn they got charged by 2 Necron Lords on Destroyer Bodies and the Sternguard even killed them!

The turn after that they were pretty dead however <_<...


I would take the SG as they come; so with the special issue ammunition. You are able to kill most standard troops and monstruous creatures with their ammo, so I won't add special weapons, but that's just me.

I haven't used them in normal battles, so I probably lack certain experience...

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I had really good luck with drop podding them in and rapid firing on a squad of Salamanders. I wiped out 8 of 10 men in one turn of shooting. As a crimson fist player, they not only are fluffy but count as a scoring unit so I am always taking 2 squads of them. As stated though, they need to get into the fight quickly, so I perfer the pods. Drop them in with maybe have a Dreadnought in another pod come in too. The rapid firing special ammo cuts down the infantry, the multi-melta pops ant nearby armor and you instanly have an advanced foothold on the enemy. Having combi-meltas, and a powerfist come in handy too just in case the enemy charges you with a Dreadnought or Deff Dred. For me they have replaced my tactical terminators.
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In my opinion, Sternguard have two main uses:


1) Drop Pod delivered suicide squads designed to deal a lot of hurt in a short period of time before flaming out

2) Inexpensive (compared to dev squads) 5 man, 2 heavy weapons teams that stay at range and act as a firebase.


They're too costly to replace tactical marines in an Endurance (Defender) based role, and not QUITE killy enough to replace Assault Marines in a pure offensive role. They're definitely not mobile enough to do so.


As far as loadouts go... I'm seriously tempted for my suicide squads to include a full plasma/melta gun instead of one or two of the combi's to preserve firepower for a turn or two.


Oh, and if you can make Sternguard scoring with Pedro... so much the better.

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One piece of advice I can give you is, don't expect the squad to survive and use that piece of information in your overall plan.


As Warp Angel stated, the squad is a suicide squad designed to cause a lot of pain in one turn of shooting and afterwards they will die. I've had much success in kitting out my full 10 man squad as two parts, half with combi-flamers, other half with combi-meltas & a meltagun. Combat squad is your friend in this configuration as you can target two things at once after coming out of the pod. Being able to lay the hurt on two units is much better than just one and will force your opponent to divert resources to deal with them.


Also don't let statistical anomolies deter you from using them. In most cases 4 or 5 melta-guns should wreck any vehicle very reliably and 4 or 5 flamers will toast most infantry squads (even power armour).

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Personally I think the Sternguard can be more than a suicide squad. People focus too much on delivering units via drop into rapid fire range. What if you were to drop the Sternguard close to some cover that gives them an excellent view of the battlefield. This way they can be a nuisance early on and then eventaully move into rapid fire range to conduct clean up duty. A standard squad of 10 is about a 250. You could also throw in a Powerfist for defensive purposes and so that you can use the Powerfist model that comes with the boxset. Heck you could even footslog them over podding them in.


Remember to be patient. Too many people are looking for that initial "bang for buck" effect you get from drop podding the Sternguard into rapid fire range. However I believe they can be so much more. Try using them a couple different ways to see how they work for you.

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I'm really liking the idea of small Sternguards in Razorbacks. People put to much emphazise on making them either scoring with Pedro (and then use 10 of them, to replace tacticals) or suiciding them in a Drop Pod. Put them in a Razorback, advance them into a nice little position for shooting and then use their transport to either redeploy once necessary, or otherwise just provide some cover or escape-route.

Of course, a Rhino might just as nice, but I don't feel to good about leaving half of a Rhino empty, and I like how a Heavy Bolter adds something to a Sternguard (for example light-vehicle-hunting)

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I've been using a 5 man sternaguard as a retinue for Pedro. They ride in a HB Razorback and always get into the thick of it.

opponents often lapse into thinking that they are glorified devestators (shooting=good/CC=bad) so they try to engage them in CC, I usually find a way to deny them the charge (use the transport to block the charge whilst falling back) and then counter-charge myself, 4 attacks on the charge is great, usually a complete shock and Pedro is almost guaraunteed to take out a few bodies.

In the last battle I had this unit was charged by a command squad on bikes and by some kind of miracle Pedro was the last man standing having personally bitch-slapped the Khan. (unlikely but true!)


Also because they are scoring they get more attention from the enemy, this can be used to your advantage in that you can feint them toward an objective and the enemy can be forced to react to it, if you talk it up they might be convinced to over-commit their forces leaving them open on a different part of the field.


I'd go for the Razorback - where else do you get a twin linked heavy bolter for 5 points? you could even use it as a shield to allow you to screen the unit from threats whilst being able to shoot and charge without dis-embarkment first.

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Some good information. I'm ofcourse going to keep trying the sternguard purely because i love the idea of them being more killy marines.


I'm still thinking of using them in a razorback or a rhino (Even if the squad is 6-7 men) and add another stormbolter and hunter killer to the rhino. its kind of like a higher capacity razorback with lighter gun and a anti 1 shot vehicle weapon.


Don't think i will ever ouch the special weapons or heavy weapons, as said their ammo makes them, to take ti away is just crazy especially for the costs you par per trooper. and a combi weapon allows you the option of getting a few shots of what you need. That and you can fire half the combis each turn meaning their not all gone on one target.


The combat squading idea is duely noted. although i haven't got to make a full 10 man squad as we're playing 1k points and i just don't have the points yet, roll on 1500 and i'm goingto get them a full line up.


This may sound stupid but i'm new as pointed out, what ammo type is good for what? at the moment i sit staring at the sheet and am not sure whats the best for each scenario vs unit types.

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I see the rounds as thus:


Dragonfire (Ignore coversave) - Use against units with either an armour save of 5+ or can modify their cover save. For example use these rounds against orks who are in cover or under a Kustom force field (scenario 1) or against Scouts with Camo Cloaks (scenario 2).


Hellfire rounds - Use against enemies with a Toughness greater than 6 and more than one wound. For example if you are facing down a greater demon then you will want to be able to wound him more effectively and force armour saves than ignoring armour save and failing to wound. These rounds are also great against TEQ where every wound counts. One of the most effective ways to get rid of Wraithlords is with rapid firing Hellfire rounds.


Kraken rounds - These are useful where you are stationary and need the extra range. They are also useful against T4 units with a 4+ save who are not in cover. Think Ard Boys or I presume Genestealers with Extended Carapace (T4 and 4+ save anyone?). Remember that they are still rapid fire and only have a 12" range if moving.


Vengence Rounds - These are good against MEQ though I personally wouldnt want to risk the Gets Hot. Use these if you are facing off against a MEQ in open ground and you MUST kill them. If they are in cover, are not T4 or have feel no pain dont bother. In this case I would just shoot Hellfire Rounds and force them to save.


Of course this is just a snapshot view of their effectiveness and uses. There are going to be exceptions, for example what is the best round for Plague Marines? Do you ignore their armour for dimished chances of wounding them and still leaving their FNP or do you go for Hellfire rounds and watch them make their saves followed by FNP.


I dont mathhammer but I am sure there is an argument for using Hellfire rounds as the mainstay for almost all examples, more wounds = more saves needed which (given my luck) would lead to more dead.


Give us a few scenarios and a few units and I am sure we can give you a round to use :)



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Someone did the Mathhammer on Sternguard ammo a few months back and from what I recall it boils down to using Hellfire in almost all situations.


Dragonfire is useful if your opponent is in 2+ cover or in cover with a 5+ or worse regular armour and that's about it.


Kraken is useless in almost all situations unless your opponent has 4+ armour save and in the open, but only if they are T4 or less (maybe even T3 or less). Even then, the margin of effectiveness isn't that great compared to Hellfire.


Vengeance is useful only against 3+ armour in the open or in 5+ cover. Otherwise better off using Hellfire. The effectiveness of Vengeance rounds is only slightly better than Hellfire in almost all situations.


Hellfire for everything else except against T2 or less opponents (as all rounds wound on 2+ against T2, though to be honest I don't know of anything that is T2 or less)


I've used Vengeance rounds a few times and it is rather amusing rapid firing an entire squad and having half of them vapourize themselves (in hindsight it is amusing, during the game it's frustrating)

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I'm always surprised when people overlook the dirt-simple strategy of deploying Sternguard in a Rhino or Razorback. Pedro + 5 Sternguard, as mentioned above, is a pretty solid unit. They can shoot, they can assault, and Pedro hits like a ton of bricks. I've also stuck ten Sternguard in a Rhino, driven up-field, and proceeded to evaporate one flank of an Eldar army while Assault Terminators with Vulkan and a Techmarine crushed the other. The Eldar player was so focused on killing the terminators as quickly as possible (shot two volleys of bladestorms into 'em and left Vulkan, the Tech Marines, and the Terminator Sergeant still standing) that the Sternguard were basically left completely untouched and able to clear off a full half of the board.
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One thing that I had overlooked before on the whole Rhino Vs Razorback transport is that there is one thing the Rhino has over the razorback. It has two firing points and the Razorback has none. This means that if you add another Storm Bolter to the Rhino you can have 4 Normal Boltgun Shots and also 4 S4 special rounds to play with.


Fair enough you dont have the 3 S5 rerolls but if you are going to be facing down infantry then I wouldnt look at the Razorback as a direct swap for a smaller unit. If you are only focusing on T4 units I think for 45 points you cant do much better :)

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I do 10 in a pod with kantor. PF, 2 combi-meltas. The benefit of the pod (besides the obvious) is that you can choose to combat-squad when you disembark. Very flexible, and you can choose to be very bold, almost suicidal even, if you have some vanguard to heroic intervention off of the pod. Scoring, and kantor giving bonus attacks makes it even better.
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  • 1 month later...
I too am considering using Sternguard as some mini devs with a twin LC razorback. Not only should they be mobile, they also have a decent anti-tank weapon that can (correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think I am) fire at a different target to the squad...then again this is just the take of an amateur. :confused:
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I found 6 in a droppod with 5 combi meltas decent enough, although some liek the flamers on to burn the hordes but mainly their ammo is decent enough in my view for normal shooting, it sjust anti tank they lack.


firing 5 combi meltas into the back of a hive tyranid was quite fun and rapid firing the sgt's bolter special ammo (2+ one)

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I use 10 as my firebase with Kantor as the HQ. They defend my home objective or other defeder units while my fast or tacticals go do their own missions. Right now with just one combimelta, PF. No sense spending more points on them. They survive half the games. Played them against orks this week and lost the bunch to Ghazghul and 5 meganobz who charged them (in cover) when I failed to earlier destroy their truk, and the Waugh came on.
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I use 10 as my firebase with Kantor as the HQ. They defend my home objective or other defeder units while my fast or tacticals go do their own missions. Right now with just one combimelta, PF. No sense spending more points on them. They survive half the games. Played them against orks this week and lost the bunch to Ghazghul and 5 meganobz who charged them (in cover) when I failed to earlier destroy their truk, and the Waugh came on.


Personally, Ming, i think your Sternguard are cursed. I've not yet seen them do much in our games :o

You have Stern-luck, kinda like my Melta-luck!

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I have never had a problem with my stern guard. I have deployed them via drop pod twice and once in a Land Raider crusader.


I outfit them with five combi-melta and five combi-flamers. I dropped them one time next to guardians and with the flamers wiped the squad out in one turn then took cover to destroy my opponents dark reapers. Another time I had them sit back and form the center of my defensive line. They were reaching out and dropping tyranids like rain in April.


The only time they did not survive was when an Avatar locked them up for three turns. They caused only one wound with a power fist but they kept that guy busy.


Sternguard must be deployed properly, and dont be ashamed of reviewing your ammo choices in the middle of a game(it makes my opponents nervous). I look at all my targets and then my ammo to see what would be best and I have never been disapointed with their shooting.


Another thing, keep a Rhino or Crusader handy to redeploy them or a Librarian with gate. You never know when you'll run out of targets.

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I do 10 in a pod with kantor. PF, 2 combi-meltas. The benefit of the pod (besides the obvious) is that you can choose to combat-squad when you disembark. Very flexible, and you can choose to be very bold, almost suicidal even, if you have some vanguard to heroic intervention off of the pod. Scoring, and kantor giving bonus attacks makes it even better.

I don't know, that pod goes and the vanguard will scatter and likely screw up your assault. I've never had jetpack Vanguard be worth their points.

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I'm sure this has been covered already, but make sure your Sergeant at least has a powerweapon. I was able to tie up and eventually kill a 10-man Sternguard squad with a Tactical Squad simply because I had a powerfist, and he had nothing for HtH.


Of course, if you can keep your Sternguard out of HtH, great, but if you want to rapid-fire that special ammo, you're putting yourself in charge range, and dice can mess up your plans.

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