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Help needed for Diorama: Reaver Titan Hangar


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Hey guys

I want to built a kind of a hangar for my Reaver Titan, where several Servitors are loading and you have elevated Platforms with Ammunition and so on...

I picture the titan crew and the techpriest standing in between the feet getting ready for deployment..


So if anyone has any ideas, let me know


thanks in advance




here is something i found on the web:


I know its lego but it illustrates what I am trying to build only on a bigger scale... so if anyone has ideas for materials, let me know

hows about a gigantic cathedral door set in a cliff face?


You can put bulkheads and necromunda type interiors on the inside and have the titan parked just inside the doorway so it peers out through the open gate.


The outside of the cliffface can be dotted with defense emplacements and maybe topped off with a defense laser.


Im thinking something like a 40k version of the gates of WHFB Karaz-a-Karak.




hows about a gigantic cathedral door set in a cliff face?


You can put bulkheads and necromunda type interiors on the inside and have the titan parked just inside the doorway so it peers out through the open gate.


The outside of the cliffface can be dotted with defense emplacements and maybe topped off with a defense laser.


Im thinking something like a 40k version of the gates of WHFB Karaz-a-Karak.




sounds good but i was more thinking of only making the interior of the hangar for the diorama...

but necrmunda interiors is an amazing idea! cheers on that!

are they still available?

Well you gotta have HUGE doors for the thing to exit via :) so catheidral type doors would be awsome. Mabey have the spare weapon loadouts on a "rack" or hanging from the ceiling in giant claws so they can be swapped out.


Mabey have an amunition loader like the loaders in "aliens" that rippley takes the queen out with, except have a servitor hardwired into it, with HUGE shells.


This things got to have a load of fule so a fule line would be obvious, and huge tanks of fule <_<


a preist blessing the titan before its battle? servo skulls zipping around? just look at any pick of warhammer 40k :lol: im sure theres something you can shamlessly nick from all of them.





I want lego space marines... they would be so cute!

Check out some of the molds on Hirst Arts. He has some really cool gothic molds and some sci-fi installation molds that would work. I think it is like $34 per mold and then you need a good plaster which there are some recommendations on his site. Check it out though some of the things you can make are amazing. The downside of course is for something of that scale it would take a boatload of castings.
Something like this?





definently has the right scale about it-- but it's too.... sterile. I would imagine a gigantic imperial hangar to be a bit more cluttered than that.


on a side note, ye gods I want a news update about that film

There's an old robotech factory kit, it's about 12" high and about 24" wide so it'd be too small for the reaver, unless you stacked one on top of the other. They've been out of production a long time so I have no clue where you could get one but they were made by revell models.


There's a couple differant scales available, but the revell kit was the biggest








How about these:




They both come in larger boxes with about 12 tightly-packed sprues of components, so a few boxes should provide more than enough to make a whole bunch of platforms and walkways.

There's also a "Bio-toxin" set which is compatible with the platformer set, which might be good for fuel pipes and tanks.


I managed to make these from one large hexagon box, with this much left over. They're easy to paint, I just spray them silver and give them a black wash and they look great.

You might see if you can find a model kit for a space shuttle with gantry. That would give you some good parts to work with. Not sure if one is being made right now.


The other option is lots of plati-card and brass rod. Either way, I've always loved hanger scenes, so I am excited to see what you come up with. (you should do one for a Marines Malevolent tank as well....)

Jedi Knight Jedi Academy had an AT ST hanger might be similar to what your after, sans the cathedral look and not quiet to the right scale but it's a start.


If you can't find any pictures I suppose I can be convinced to dig it out, install it and take a few screenies for you.


here is something i found on the web:


I know its lego but it illustrates what I am trying to build only on a bigger scale... so if anyone has ideas for materials, let me know


i'd say just cover the lego bumps with plasticard and it would look awesome :whistling:

Rather than the macross ones, which are quite old, Kotobukiya has come up with some basing kits. Called Mechanical Chain Bases, these are modular pieces that can fit together horizontally and vertically to create a large diorama base. Each base has 2 parts, a base and a wall piece. Multiple wall pieces can fit together to create the height you require.


Here are some examples:








For scale. That's a terminator. That's a 9 piece set.


While the bases themselves have parts that are smaller scale than our stuff, most of the base itself fits fine. You might have to look up for availability in your country.

Anyone else want lego space marines now?


of course!

Lego WH40K would be so cool *grins*


anyway, a Titan hangar, as said way above, would be huuuuge, covered in gothic cathedral stuff, with massive cathedral doors, assorted servitors/servoskulls/techpriests/other staff running around...



and one more thing: invest in a crew:


and an attached techpriest:



they should look rather cool walking around before they go into their titan ^^


also, look in here and see whether there's anything that would suit a Titan hangar, I really can't be bothered looking myself...





Good Luck!



Rather than the macross ones, which are quite old, Kotobukiya has come up with some basing kits. Called Mechanical Chain Bases, these are modular pieces that can fit together horizontally and vertically to create a large diorama base. Each base has 2 parts, a base and a wall piece. Multiple wall pieces can fit together to create the height you require.


Here are some examples:








For scale. That's a terminator. That's a 9 piece set.


While the bases themselves have parts that are smaller scale than our stuff, most of the base itself fits fine. You might have to look up for availability in your country.


yeah thats wot i was thinking but i couldnt remember where i saw them so i didnt post

^^ they would be brilliant basis for it i think


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