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Bloodthirster Idea


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Not sure I have this in the right section, but I recently picked up a FW Bloodthirster for my daemon army. I've just started my Khorne portion of my army and my Bloodletters are right now red to black faded. I'm thinking for the Bloodthirster of doing black skin with the red to black scheme on his armour, I'm just not sure how to highlight black flesh. A friend of mine said to use dark blues, others said dark greys. I want it to look good and natural. Any advice or ideas?
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For natural...


I'd think about drybrushing the raised bits. Sharp highlights look either like sweaty skin, or metal. Unless it's glowing black or whatnot, you don't want to get it too hard.


If you're going to use blue, I'd start with a dark blue, go codex gray, then maybe fortress gray on top of that. Deep blue in the shadows is supposed to be painterly and all, but I'd try it on another piece and see what you thought before committing to it.

Yeah, I was thinking a blue-black, then perhaps a blue-gray. The way I see it is, Bloodthirsters are the antithesis of life. They are void in the world, destorying all that come in contact with them. Black would represent death well as hey... what kills better then a Bloodthirster?

Well I love the typical skin tone for any daemons of Khorne, it shows that they're boiling with hatred for the world. I don't think you can really see it too well, but the skin came out really good. Hitting the raised areas with whatever color comes out awesome! Take your time on him, he's a great purchase!


An'ggrath Forever!




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