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Fiend of Slaanesh base size

Evil Homer

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Are Fiend mounted on terminator sized bases or the larger blood crusher sized bases. From the picture I suspect its a termie sized base but want to be sure...I managed to snag 10 spiders (with another 10 more on the the way...) from the Skull Pass box and am going to make Drider style fiends I think (half spider/half deamonette) but need to verify the base size.




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Are Fiend mounted on terminator sized bases or the larger blood crusher sized bases. From the picture I suspect its a termie sized base but want to be sure...I managed to snag 10 spiders (with another 10 more on the the way...) from the Skull Pass box and am going to make Drider style fiends I think (half spider/half deamonette) but need to verify the base size.





yup, 40mm is correct, i had a similar idea with the drider style daemoneete xept i planned to use them for seekers.:lol:

thanks all. My demons are built for dual system support so what I doing is using Hirst Arts floor tile molds to square out the round bases for my movement trays. My movement trays are also HA affairs so they match the bases. This way there can be no whining, I have round bases for 40k w/ scenic bases no less and they fit perfectly for WHFB movement tray style battling.




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