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Renegades Project


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This is a small renegade squad I've been working on. Hoping for c&c, ideas etc.


Really need help with a color scheme.


The fluff for the squad describes them as part of a chapter recently declared excommunicate. They were victims of an inquisitor's accusations. Now they hide out in the Tau Empire raiding tau colonies to maintain themselves, and kidnapping gue'vesa to use as recruits. Because they have been forced to rely on enslaved tau earthcaste to maintain their equipment, their wargear has taken on a bit of an xenos flavor.


Their emblem is an upside down anchor, as I've drawn inspiration from the Seleucid Empire, and the story of Alexander the Great's Silver Shields.






This project is still very work in progress, I'll be adding grenades and satchels, loincloths, "purity" seals, etc.

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They look very good so far, and I really like the fluff you've got going!


I don't know if it ties in with your line of thinking, but there are a Chaos Renegade Chapter named "The Purge". They generally just go around, enslaving and killing everything in their path. Mind you, they're hardly recent.


I think you've set a very good foundation to create your own Renegade Chapter, though.


The Souldrinkers, however, are also Excommunicate Traitors, and they have quite a few nifty twists that could make things very interesting!

The purge is actually an awesome scheme, but the fluff, though similar, doesn't really match. One color scheme I've been thinking about is based on the purge actually so it's kind of funny you mention them. The scheme switches the green to a terracotta and the black becomes anodized. Not sure though as my test mini ended up looking so much like an iron lord that I ended up painting over his pauldrons and turning him into one.
It works, though power armor is pure steel colored if they stripped it. You could say their armor became so inherently dirt and dust covered that the chemicals in the air of the planet they had a massive campaign on stained their armor that brownish tinge, or something to that like.


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