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wolf helm of russ


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You know, Russ must be running around stark naked by now. We keep finding his stuff all over the place. He must be like a 3 year old that doesn't want to wear his clothes running around shouting "nakee time!!!"


And probably scaring the be-jesus out of the Slanesh Demonettes if you catch my drift. <_< nudge-nudge, wink-wink, say no more, say no more!

  Jonny Wolf said:
You know, Russ must be running around stark naked by now. We keep finding his stuff all over the place. He must be like a 3 year old that doesn't want to wear his clothes running around shouting "nakee time!!!"


And probably scaring the be-jesus out of the Slanesh Demonettes if you catch my drift. <_< nudge-nudge, wink-wink, say no more, say no more!


Add in naked roll-mat fighting and he'll be more Royal Marine than Space Marine :P

  Durfast Spiritwolf said:
  Jonny Wolf said:
You know, Russ must be running around stark naked by now. We keep finding his stuff all over the place. He must be like a 3 year old that doesn't want to wear his clothes running around shouting "nakee time!!!"


And probably scaring the be-jesus out of the Slanesh Demonettes if you catch my drift. :P nudge-nudge, wink-wink, say no more, say no more!


Add in naked roll-mat fighting and he'll be more Royal Marine than Space Marine :P


That's not nice at all! Poor Russ...


I figure he's just sitting next to the Golden Throne drinking ale waiting for pops to wake up.

to kickme829;

no, the wolf helm of russ used to be a holy relic (could be revealed once per game to give all models within 12" +1 attack... think thats how i worked).

however as there are no more holy relics in the space marine codex, its an item that has no use anymore in codex space wolves. much like the fang of morkai, bionics andme of the banners.

the only reference to it providing a 4+ invulnerable was in the summary page which as mentioned above is wrong.


in all respects the item is of no use anymore.


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