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Tyrannic War Veteran


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Hello there, just hought I'd throw this up as I just finished it. It's been sitting on my desk since summer last year and I needed a break from painting yellow and tyranids. One of the Tyrannic War Veterans, I thought these models were awesome when they came out (I still do). I love the poses of them and I wanted to try and do some justice to them. I painted the shoulder trim silver because in the codex it says they are white/silver and I fancied a metallic sheen to them.



Any tips C&C appreciated. Cheers.

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Cheers, they shouldn't be too small, they're 640 x 480. I think I'll try another colour for the sides of the base. It's Astronomicon grey (the really light one) but your right it looks unfinished. I'm also gonna go back over the green grenades as they look a bit tatty too.


Heres a pick of the side of the Vet. I've sharpened up the highlights and tinkered with the grenade color, not that you can see them.


Looks great ,i really like the silver trim(as its argent then it can be either white or silver ;) )

the base ...the astronomicon grey actually makes it look unfinished :tu: perhaps a brown or terracotta like the 'eavy metal guys use would help him to "Pop"

could we have some pics from the front please,like the last shot thats in more light!


@Fracture - the base is painted but in a light grey !!



cheers Mithril

Thanks for the replies and tips guys. I've changed the base colour now to sort out the unfinished look. Hopefully now he looks alot better. I decided with Scorched Brown for the base.

Mithrilforge @ Here be some pics from more angles, sorry bout the quality but my camera seems to hate this particular mini and refuses to take a decent quality photo.





it looks a LOT better in good light. im sure you're using the macro function on your camera but if your digital cam has high enough megapixels, try moving it away from the model. some cameras have a certain focal point and if you get too close to your subject, it cannot focus on it. if you move it further, you will end up with more space around the model, but it will be in focus. you can then just crop the picture in photoshop before posting it.


but back the model at hand, i love the new color for the base, its dark enough that it pushes attention higher onto the model (which is a HUGE upgrade from the grey from before). i think we all thought the base looked unfinished because the grey you chose was too close to the grey that the models themselves are cast in. overall id love to see more of the army.

I love this model (and have been tempted to give it a go several times, I may just try and track it down now) You sir have definately done it justice. The base looks much better with the brown trim. All in all a great mini B)



Thanks for the replies. I too am much happier with the brown edging. I love these Vet models hopefully GW wont discontinue them any time soon. All of them have great expression in the poses and it makes the Ultramarines look like they do actually fight.

Unfortunately I don't think I'll be doing an army of these guys any time soon due to financial constraints and a BA army missing a Death Company and a Chaos Army in desperate need of some heavier weaponry. Still you never know what the future holds.


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