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Death from Above


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Afternoon Gents.


I'm part way through a 2k drop pod army and thought its about time I should start reading and posting here. Figured showing you what I've done so far would be the best start.


Not come up with much background for my chapter, haven't even got a solid name for them yet. Storm Paladins is working name so far.


Fluff wise they are from the Raven Guard gene seed. The authorisation of their making came from the Inquisition, those who would be judged as radicals by the more puritain of the organisation. So far the Storm Paladins have been succesful in thier first 1500 years of service, although a few amongst the Inquisition have voiced concern about the bond amongst the bond that has grown between them and their brother chapter the Rolictors. How much influence this has had on the Storm Paladins early years has yet to be seen.



The army is going to be drop pod only, other than 2 units of scouts which will be there to scout forward with locator beacons to add accurecy for the rest of the army.


Painted things first.


Sternguard unit No. 1








Deathwatch unit which will be used as a 2nd Sternguard squad in games.






5 of the 10 scouts, they're almost done but have yet to take any more pics of them as they are now.



This guy is my chapter master. Going to be using Pedro Kantor's rules



Plus his Honour Guard with Relic blades. Guy in the middle will be the chapter champ



So what do you guys think so far? Any comments, suggestions or questions are welcome.

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awsomly cool, i like the idea of the drop pods, but how meny are you going to have? say if you had 10, 5 would arrive first turn, then youd be relying on 1 a turn till the end of the game, so if you fail a reserves roll, bye bye unit.



No no, they do not count as destroyed. The only time they would count as destroyed is if the deepstriking unit ended up rolling the Back to Reserve Mishap on the Deepstrike Mishap table and didn't arrive by the end of the game. Otherwise, they count as being alive if still in reserve and have not rolled the result on the Deepstrike Mishap table.

I like the paint scheme, looks very good. The Deathwatch unit will look a bit out of place with the rest of the army with the red kind of clashing a bit. Converting the red bits to a dark blue or black would make them fit in a bit better in my opinion.


So six drop pods and two units of scouts? I see you are using two Sternguard units and Pedro so I presume the Sternguard will be a scoring unit and Pedro will ride with one. A bit of advice on thsi make sure Pedro and the Sternguard stay far enough away to shoot but away from hand to hand at asll costs as they tend to get rolled up in assault by any semi-competent unit. Are the other 4 drop pods all Tacticals or are you using Dreads? I would also suggest that since half of your pods come inj on turn 1 make sure those units are outfitted with locater beacons and then outfit one of your scout units have sniper rifles/ML or HB with Hellfire and camo cloaks with Sgt. Telion for some long range supprt fire and holding a back objective in some cover.


Actually if you really want a hard hitting drop pod army you take a Master of the Forge with a conversion Beamer on a Bike for mobility, 11 drop pods, six multi-melta/Flamer Dreads all of which hit on first turn, then your Tacticals drop in on objectives or for additonal support as the game unfolds. You would completely throw most opponents into complete disarray with such a force and have the Master destroying things as needed from long range.

Thanks for the comments so far guys, hoping to get the scouts finished tonight.


The chapter master joins the honour guard unit with at least one of the sternguard units in support. In the games I've played so far I've found the sternguard are more able to look after themselves in H2H as they have 2 attacks each, 3 if the chapter master is in 12". Yum Yum.

Scouts are done. Not had time to finish the bases but thought I'd put them up as I wont have time til next weeknd to finish them.



This are from the 1st version of the army from about 4 years ago. They're not going to be in the drop pod army at the moment but I'll show them to see what you think anyway. Hope you like them.







Sorry about the pics of the dread, Took them years ago as well.


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