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Newb Death/Raven vs. Veteran Eldar Strats?

Brother Emelias

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So, after knowing this individual for, like, 4 years, I come to find out he's been playing W40k for 9 years and has won almost ever tourney he's been a part of. I've seen his wall of trophies and it makes my face hurt. Kinda like when I passed 4 kidney stones in two weeks. Yeah, that painful. He's also one of the coolest guys I know. If there's anything my family needs, he's more than happy to lend a hand (and we're more than happy to stuff his belly full of food in return!).


Anyhow, he knows that I'm gonna start collecting a DW/RW army, and he's offered to help me in a few weeks by playing me a few matches. In return, I'm bringing over three slabs of my chardonnay marinated tri-tip to slow cook onto his grill while he teaches me a nice lesson in humility.


I'm an avid video gamer (I've been in the video game industry for 12 years), and I know *SOME* semblance of strategy. But, W40K table top gaming is SO different from any RTS I've ever played. And it doesn't help that I've chosen one of the most finicky armies to field as my first ever battle force. So, after pulling some favors, he's managed to pull together the following 2000 pt. Death/Raven army for me to field test against his battle tested Xenos tournament list (which, conveniently for me, he won't let me take a gander at). Here's what I'll be fielding.


= DA themed AoA DW/RW 2000 pt. Army List =


- MotDW w/ TLCs + Standard Bearer + Apothecary = 185

- Venerable Dread + Drop Pod = 195


- DW Terminator Assault Squad - 1 Sarge + 4 TLCs = 215

- DW Terminator Tac Squad (x3) - 1 Sarge + 1 Chainfist + 1 AC + 2 PF/ SB Terminators = 250 (x3 = 750)


- RW Bikes, Fast Movers Squad - 1 Sarge + 2 Meltagun Bikes + 1 Attack Bike w/ MMelta + 2 TL Bolter Bikes + 1 LSpeeder w/ HB and AC = 390

- RW Bikes, Mini-Movers Squad - 1 Sarge + 2 Meltagun Bikes + 1 Attack Bike w/ MMelta + 2 TL Bolter Bikes = 290


So, with this pretty dope-tastic list, do any of you awesome Doublewingers have any tips for me to bring to the table? I mean, yes. I'mma total newb. And, my buddy's totally gonna rip me a new hole with his mad l33t skillz. I'm sure he'll give me some tips, also (at least he better! I'm droppin' $55 bones on my super tasty tri-tip for him!). But, I wanna bring some decent strats to the table to impress him so he doesn't think I'm a total loser for not knowing what I'm doing, regardless of how many times I've read and attempted to memorized my C:DA.


Hope you boys can help me out! Thanks in advanced! :)

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I must say I know he made it for you but this list is a tad lucklustre. Now I've only ever played DW once so I'm nto an authority or anything and I'm nto 100% sure what they have in their list. But...


Assault Terminators with no transport? Ofcourse they could Deep Strike, but that drastically reduces their effectiveness. Bear in mind that you have only 10


You're better off removing one of the Terminator squads and replacing it with a Land Raider Crusader for your assault termies. I also don't get the point of the Command Squad. Your list is quite fast but they CS themselves aren't mobile?


You _could_ replace your HQ with a Chaplain and put him with the Terminator Squad?


That would leave you a few points for something else.

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Actually to completely disagree with the above post, I do think it is a solid list for someone who has never played. Ever Raven Wing Bike has a transport homer in it, at least according to the fluff and I am sure you can buy it up too. Turboboost and Drop is really the only tactic that comes to mind to really ruin his day. If you are going to deploy and then take your turn before him deploy your bikes out as far as you can so that you can turboboost on either side of his forces. If you deploy 2nd and will take your turn after him deploy behind cover and then turboboost at him. Split your advance as well by sending the weaker unit off on his flank and then your more powerful unit on the other. The idea here is to present two targets one of which is more threatening that the other. Your next turn, roll reserves and deep strike what you can and start shooting. This guys sounds like a really great friend and I am sure he isn't going to throw you to the wolves out right. My guess is that he will help you along. With any luck he will really show you some tricks to make the best out of your army.


Oh and I wouldn't be surprised if he shows up with an Ork army centered around Nob Bikers. He could show up with Eldar but my money is on Orks. Let us know how it goes!

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