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Project Chaplain


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Hey all, he's finally done! Check out the WIP log here



Click to go to the Gallery Page.


I want to thank everyone for their input, it's really appreciated. Even if you just said 'Awesome!' it's still motivation to get the project completed!


If you have any last critiques, it's a bit too late to do any changes now, but for future projects I'll keep it in mind!

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Your a bad influence Grey Death. Making me want to just stuff the university essays and go on to painting my new chaplain. I just hope that when I do get around to painting my chaplain he is as good as yours. A few questions regarding your painting recipes. How did you do your black (basecoat of black, then codex grey with chaos black, followed by codex grey and finally fortress grey?) and how did you do your bones and parchment (which I think looks so awesome).


Cheers, Messanger


Edit - nevermind about the bone, I found your recipe in your WIP thread.

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AllHallows - Thanks!


Messanger of Death - I do black by just edging codex grey over a black basecoat and highlight lightly with Fortress Grey, I thought about washing with badab, but decided against it in the end.


Grand Master Tchezzarus - You should be able to find the parchment/bone recipe in my WIP log.

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