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Killin Me some pig skins


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I'm going to be having a two on two battle coming up Monday. I am playing DIY Space Marines (Occasionally splash grey knights). My ally is playing black templars, and my opponents will both be playing orks. The game will have 1500 pts per person.


I am thinking making an armylist involving using Kantor to run behind my ally's troops and cheese the +1 attack that he gives to friendly units(Black Templar army will be Melee focused). I have mostly black reach stuff (2 sets), a land speeder, a vindicator, and some extra tactical/devastator/scout marines to work with for models.


The general strategy is that I will provide fire support while the black templars engage the orks in melee. The one thing I know I am sure to face is Big Meks with Kustom Force Fields. Any ideas on what units to use?


Here is what I'm considering at this time.


HQ- Pedro Kantor (175pts)


Troops- 10xTactical Marines w/ Fist, Combi-Melta, Melta, Las Cannon in Drop Pod (255pts)

(Most Likely, will Combat Squad Meltas to one group and the laz to another group. Then send to pod to hunt vehicles. I may consider dropping the fist since a 5 man squad most likely wont live long enought to use it.)

*Alternate Strategy* Lose the Pod and have the marines hang back to wrap around my Whirlwind. I have seen the ork player use commandos or stormboyz w/ upgrade characters to come in from flank/deepstrike to kick over long range tanks. This will force them to assault the tactical squad instead.


Troops- 5xSnipers w/ Tellion and missiles (135pts) Infiltrate

(Will use tellion to hunt Big Meks, Nobs, and Boyz w/ Toyz)


Elites- 5xSternguard w/ 2x Heavy Flamer & 3x Combi-Flamer in Pod (195pts)

(I'm thinking 5 templates will most likely cripple a 30 boy squad... avg 8 per template, so 40 hits, to ~20 wounds)

*Alternate Strategy* Could Consider adding Vulkan to army to Twin link the Flamers. This will bring the expected wounds to about 30, killing the squad.


Heavy Support- Vindicator w/ Siege Shield (125pts)

(2 reasons: First, It is the only armor I own other than a Whirlwind (which has the pieces to be a Rhino). Secondly, one of the Orks players is scared to death of the thing.)


Heavy Support- Whirlwind (85pts)

(Longest Range Mob kill in my collection, I'll Have it sit back and pepper the enemy. May have to worry about Stormboyz/Commandos)


So Far I have about 970/1500pts spent. I have 2 Dreadnought Models that could draw fire from the Vindicator, and a Landspeeder Typhoon as well. I don't normally use devastators but this could the place to make them shine. Any recomendations to fill out the list would be appreciated.




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