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Kill Point numbers


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Are people actively gearing their armies to only have a very limited number of kill points? Or do you tend to just build the list you want and play it well?


I ask because my next potential list has a total of 14 kill points which seems really high, especially when alot of them are Rhinos or walkers.

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Honestly I still have not rolled kill points as the scenario yet which is very odd. However, if you are thinking like I am about an all-comers list, you may have to sacrifice some kill points in order to have effective forces in the other two scenarios. 14 sounds high at first but I think IG and to some extent Orks will face the same issue.
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After a recent game, I am looking more towards minimizing kill points.


My chaos force (48 models in 1850) played an Ork force (about 90 models). I killed all but 4 models, getting 6 kill points.


He killed less than half (about 23) and got 6 kill points (rhinos, defiler, oblits, terminators).


So, some of the easy kill points are going away and others are getting beefed up to be harder to lose.


As examples, at 1850, my chaos army has 9 kill points, my Blood Angels 11 (or 12 if I combat squad the one squad I might do that with)

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I'll take it in to consideration, but I focus more on how to kill his guys first. Of course almost all my armies revolve around big, mean expensive guys and end up with fewer killpoints anyway so it isn't a huge deal for me. Hell, my 2k list as 10, while my 1500 has only 9, so KPs aren't a huge factor in my lists, they just go away naturally.
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I'll take it in to consideration, but I focus more on how to kill his guys first. Of course almost all my armies revolve around big, mean expensive guys and end up with fewer killpoints anyway so it isn't a huge deal for me. Hell, my 2k list as 10, while my 1500 has only 9, so KPs aren't a huge factor in my lists, they just go away naturally.


Thats one of my issues, I tend to spread my army out, minimizing any point sink units. Its not a bad idea other then I create alot of potential kill points.

Transports add to that as well, you have 4 Rhino mounted squads and all of a sudden you're dropping 8 Kill Points without anything else in your army.

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Yeah that's true, my 1500 ultra's list has 13, but that's because it's all mechanised. The thing is, you get to deny them your killpoints, and when it gets to the killing your squads are still at full strength. I often find it more important to worry more about making sure the killpoints you have stay alive that to worry about not taking them in the first place. The power if the army comes before the killpoint considerations.


You just need to remember that those rhinos can keep your men alive and so actually end up meaning you lose less killpoints because your whole army makes it in to combat alive, instead of losing some squads on the way over to rapid fire range.

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Yeah that's true, my 1500 ultra's list has 13, but that's because it's all mechanised. The thing is, you get to deny them your killpoints, and when it gets to the killing your squads are still at full strength. I often find it more important to worry more about making sure the killpoints you have stay alive that to worry about not taking them in the first place. The power if the army comes before the killpoint considerations.


You just need to remember that those rhinos can keep your men alive and so actually end up meaning you lose less killpoints because your whole army makes it in to combat alive, instead of losing some squads on the way over to rapid fire range.


That was my original logic, to just build a solid list and hope to deny kill points whenever possible.


It seems like it would be too much for some armies to make a 5-10 kill point list without seriously hurting their chances for winning. Sounds like its best not to worry too much about it, while still being aware that its an issue.

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I don't really keep kill points in mind while I'm building a list. I will make a note of it after the list is done and when starting a kill-point game note how many I have in comparison to my opponent. I would think that being too careful about kill points while making a list will probably take attention away from what you need to do to make the list work. Even during a game you need to make sure that your force is working effectively before you start thinking about points. As an example, If you have a tactical squad that you plan on combat-squading and equip accordingly, running as a full squad might not work as well in the overall game. Applied to an overall build, a mechanized army might have a lot of "easy" kill points in rhinos and razorbacks they serve to set up your forces so you can fight your opponent.


My approach is to play as usual for the first few turns, and as the game develops to make sure I finish off units to get the kill points as well as making sure if I lose something of mine its not wasted.

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