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New army list Idea

Brother Swift

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Ok Ive been flirting with this list just to see if it did good, ive been playing it at 1610 points and its been killing alot of people but id like to make it tourny worthy at 1850 points. I'm going to give the list of what it is at 1610 points and then i want ppl to tell me what they think or what i should add or take out.


Ok here it goes:


10 man tac squad

flamer/missle launcher

rhino with storm bolter

215 points


10 man tac squad

flamer/heavy bolter

rhino with storm bolter

215 points


5 terminators


terminator chaplain

landraider crusader with multi melta

590 points


5 terminators

2 chainfists/assault cannon

land raider

490 points


Thunderfire cannon

100 points



So i have 240 points left and i dont know what to add. I was thinking of another tac squad with a heavy bolter and flamer that can walk onto an objective. or maybe i was thinking of a dreadnought with twin linked lascannon with a missle launcher, or some type of dreadnought. and use the remaining 90 points on a scout squad with sniper rifles and a heavy bolter. just not sure what to do. so please im open up to any idea's.


thanks for all the help

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its meant to be able to take on just about everything which it has been able to do. It did good against a endless swarm of nids.

I demolished a Speed Freaks army with a gunline of lootas in the mix of it. and i ripped it apart, and he played at his list of 1850, and hes the best player in our state.

im just trying to add something to the army that could fit in it and be very good for tournament's. im just at a stuck as to what it can be.

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ok so i think im gunna put a librarian terminator inside the crusader to have some extra hitting strength with my assault terminator squad, now just to figure out what powers to give him, im sure you guys have good ideas since its upgraded to an epistolary.


also i think im gunna add another 10 man tac squad but im gunna give them a lascannon and a multi melta but maybe i might switch it with one of the rhino squads or just do whatever, but that leaves me with 65 open points what am I going to do with those points, godddddddddddd more decisions to make,


any ideas, good or bad?

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Urm....well an attack bike is 50 points for a multimelta on top, still not a bad choice, a lascannon on your tacticals means that when it fires it'll probably be from a long distance and will mean your bolters wont be firing.


Apart from that maybe a couple of powerfists on the tacticals, although you might be able to get more points and just take off the stormbolters from the rhinos

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ok so far i have the final list at:


10 man tac squad

flamer/missle launcher


205 points


10 man tac squad

flamer/heavy bolter


205 points


5 man terminator squad with TH/SS

1 terminator chaplain with storm bolter

1 terminator librarian (upgraded to epistolary)

land Raider Crusader with multi melta

765 points


5 terminators

assault cannon/chain fist

land raider

485 points


Thunderfire cannon

100 points


5 man scout squad

sniper rifles and heavy bolter

85 points





It come's out to 1845 points I'm probably going to give 1 tac squad sergeant melta bombs to fill up the 5 points


So does it come out to a good list?

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I actually vote for a 3rd tac squad. You're going to find out really quickly that tournament play is not at all like friendly play. It's not fluffy, it's not sportsman-like, it sucks (in my opinion). That being said, the reason I mention this is because you have 2 troops choices. That won't cut it unless you're nob bikerz...which you're not. Your opponent, likely a lash list or a lootah gunline/kustom force field horde ork list or perhaps any of the current incarnations of nidzilla, will ALL blow away your tac squads first. 2 of them is not hard to kill. Sure, you may ask: "What's so different about 3 that 2 can't handle?" It's pretty considerable, really. In a tournament, your opponent WILL immediately realize you have 20 scoring models on the board and then proceed to wipe all of them. For some reason, every tournament I have played in and every successful tournament list I have seen used always uses 3 tac squads. Not sure how I can dissect it, really. 2 squads are easy to deal with, 3 isn't. I won my game last night because I had 3 on the board. Would have lost had it not been for that 3rd.



Flesh out the list with an additional tac squad and put some anti-tank power in it; a lascannon and melta.


Do you combat squad?

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if you want to go hand to hand with the libby, I would vote for null void + might. null power to wipe out things with an inv save and might to make sure you wound. The 6+2d6 armor penetration it provides is pretty great too... you have a good chance to pen a land raider with that :P


I think the landspeeders with MM is a good idea and rounds out your list pretty well. A 3rd tac is doable, but I disagree that it is necessary for tournament play. If your opponent wants to chase your tacs around, that's his business, but I don't see how he can ignore two squads of termies in land raiders. The scout snipers synergizes well with the TFC too. They can both sit back and benefit from the extra defense that the bolstered cover save from the techmarine provides.


I would trade out the HB in the tac squad for another missle launcher or lascan though. You only really need the heavy weapon in the tac squads as an emergency, as in you need to take something out that the bolters can't, and the HB is just a bit more dakka.

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if you want to go hand to hand with the libby, I would vote for null void + might. null power to wipe out things with an inv save and might to make sure you wound. The 6+2d6 armor penetration it provides is pretty great too... you have a good chance to pen a land raider with that ;)


I think the landspeeders with MM is a good idea and rounds out your list pretty well. A 3rd tac is doable, but I disagree that it is necessary for tournament play. If your opponent wants to chase your tacs around, that's his business, but I don't see how he can ignore two squads of termies in land raiders. The scout snipers synergizes well with the TFC too. They can both sit back and benefit from the extra defense that the bolstered cover save from the techmarine provides.


I would trade out the HB in the tac squad for another missle launcher or lascan though. You only really need the heavy weapon in the tac squads as an emergency, as in you need to take something out that the bolters can't, and the HB is just a bit more dakka.



All good info, so what should I take out and replace with the Tac squad, because your right its going to have a multi meltas and lascannons and I'm prob gunna have that squad in a rhino mostly,


but the question is now what do i take out of the list to add that other Tac squad?

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