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Iron Snakes


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So for next year (2010) I'm building an Iron Snake army. The only problem is that I've never done metallic heavy marines, or really much of anything before. So I decided to paint up a few of my spare veterans laying around so I can test out paint schemes and work on my metallics. I finished the first test model a few days ago and now I'm working on test model 2.


Here is the first test model. Yeah, I know a few things are off-center or lop-sided and for the love of the emperor, no, I did not drill the bolt pistol barrel (it's just a test model). Still, I think he turned out pretty nice for my first Iron Snake attempt.






Sorry if the links die... it's just photbucket afterall. If they break I'll post them in my gallery here and relink them.


Anyway, any questions and/or comments are welcome.

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I think the metal looks fantastic. I won't point out anything wrong as it a test mini. That being said, I look forward to seeing an actual mini done with this paint scheme.


Better days,


Thanks for the compliment!


By all means if you have crticisms then speak up! Obviously I am aware of a few things wrong already (as I stated in the first post) but if you have anything to add I do appreciate the feedback.


I just finished the gunmetal grey armor for the 2nd model using a slightly different approach. I'm interested to see what people think about it compared to this one. I'll try and get pictures up either in my Blog (in my signature) or in the WiP forum.

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This looks great, I am curious though as to what components you used? I don't recognize the model for some reason. Though I am thinking it might be one of the veterans?


He's just a stock Mk. I Veteran. I didn't bother to convert anything on him since I'm only painting him up to test paint schemes.


He's the one on the far left here


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That looks sweet! Ive just decided to paint up my 1000 Pts of marines as Iron Snakes after reading their novel. The only problem i have is how to approach the metal style of their armour. I love the way you have painted it, any tips/techniques?
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That looks sweet! Ive just decided to paint up my 1000 Pts of marines as Iron Snakes after reading their novel. The only problem i have is how to approach the metal style of their armour. I love the way you have painted it, any tips/techniques?


Well, the technique used with this model is essentially boltgun metal base, highlights of chainmail feathered into the boltfun metal, and then fine detail of mithril silver. Over that I did 3 watered down washes of badab black. About 20/80 Water/Paint ratio. Sweep the wash towards recesses as if you leave it on flat surface it will darken the metal up a little too much.


Come back and check out the enxt test model too! I'm trying all sorts of different techniques to find the metal I like best and when the models are done I'm posting them here. Then my work on the actual army will begin!

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I think the metal looks fantastic. I won't point out anything wrong as it a test mini. That being said, I look forward to seeing an actual mini done with this paint scheme.


Better days,


Thanks for the compliment!


By all means if you have crticisms then speak up! Obviously I am aware of a few things wrong already (as I stated in the first post) but if you have anything to add I do appreciate the feedback.


I just finished the gunmetal grey armor for the 2nd model using a slightly different approach. I'm interested to see what people think about it compared to this one. I'll try and get pictures up either in my Blog (in my signature) or in the WiP forum.


Don't take my post the wrong way. I see nothing wrong with the painting. It's far better than mine. My only gripe was the angle of the head in relation to the angle of the pistol. But, since it's is a test model I didn't see the sense in bringing it up. That was all I meant.


Better days,

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by far one of my favorite official chapters. I used them as the founding chapter for my Steel Wyverns. Iron Snakes are awesome, and I hope they never ever reveal who their primarch is, its part of what makes the Iron Snakes unique. Some suggest Guilliman, but the book never stipulates who the primarch is.

GREAT paint job, I never highlighted metallic armour before, I thought it would look weird, but I am gonna start doing that now :blink: Keep up the great work Chronowraith!

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Thanks for all the compliments folks!


@200plus - Ahhh, I get ya. Yeah, I noticed that after I put it together that he was apparently trying to shoot birds or skeet shooting. As you so wisely noted though I shrugged it off since it's just a test model.


@Darkson Designs - Run n' Buff method?


@XKhalilX - I'm a big classical history buff (masters in it actually) so the Iron Snakes fit a number of interests with me. I think metal highlights without using washes would look a little bizarre but overall it's always worked out well for me. Even back before GW made their current washes a nice wash of scorched brown or even chestnut ink worked wonderfully on gold and a black wash worked decently on the silvers. You just had to watch the pooling.

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Thanks for all the compliments folks!


@200plus - Ahhh, I get ya. Yeah, I noticed that after I put it together that he was apparently trying to shoot birds or skeet shooting. As you so wisely noted though I shrugged it off since it's just a test model.


@Darkson Designs - Run n' Buff method?


@XKhalilX - I'm a big classical history buff (masters in it actually) so the Iron Snakes fit a number of interests with me. I think metal highlights without using washes would look a little bizarre but overall it's always worked out well for me. Even back before GW made their current washes a nice wash of scorched brown or even chestnut ink worked wonderfully on gold and a black wash worked decently on the silvers. You just had to watch the pooling.


oh I use washes, i use a wash of 1 part badab black, 1 part ogryn flesh, 2 parts water, 1 droplet fiery orange and 1 droplet dishsoap(get down ink shine). I got this recipe from Trajan :lol:


Highlighting I was talking about your use of mithril silver highlighting the boltgun metal. Never thought of doing it before, great idea. between that and the ink washes, it will really help my Steel Wyverns :tu:

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Kable - No problem! Check out my blog (link in my sig) if you want to see a few WiP photos.


XKhalilX - Just a note but sometimes the mithril can look a little extreme, you can use a little badab black to tone it down and give it a softer look. In fact, I do that all the time. The only time I suually use unwashed mithril is for extreme edges that would catch a lot of light or for battle damage.



Well folks, hopefully I'll have Test Model 2 done before Adepticon. I'm rennovating a bathroom here so I haven't had as much time to paint as I'd like. I have a couple WiP photos in my Blog though (linked in my sig).


Hopefully I'll pick up a few tricks at Adepticon as I'm taking both a weathering seminar (Lorded over by Nathan Comanse) and a true metals seminar (run by David Pauwels). I would have loved to do some of the other classes but they were all booked solid byt he time I registered!


So next time I post I'll have more photos hopefully!

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Wow! I loved the Iron Snakes after reading the book, but thought truelly representing them with the 5th ed codex would be pretty hard. Good to see some one that has a great looking model done, I'll be watching your blog closely to see the finished army.(If I had half of your painting skill, I would be alot happier with my DIY chapter!)
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So I managed to finish the 2nd Test Model before Adepticon like planned. He turned out pretty good in my opinion. I need to work on my chapter symbol and clean up a little of my faux pas in the future but otherwise I think he turned out great. I like how dark the armor looks in comparison to the first test model.


Anyway, comments, criticism, and questions always welcome!






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looks great Chronowraith. Its nice to see the Iron Snakes get some love. Your foing a great job on the tabards with the blue lining, looks very realistic in my opinion. I love the way you do lightning on the weapons. EXCELLENT job
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Thanks for all the praise folks.


While I'd love to take complete credit for the power weapon in all honesty I was just following a tutorial I found on the internet. Still, I guess it did come out looking pretty good overall ^_^


The Tutorial can be found in the link here.


Well, I'm off to Adepticon! I'll try and get the last test model done next week. I have one more metal recipe I want to try and who knows what tricks I'll pick up at the seminars at Adepticon.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Alright, been a few days since I last updated here. I went to Adepticon last week and took a metallics seminar from Dave Pauwels (very nice guy). I think I learned a lot there and hopefully the next test model (Test Model 3) will show off some fancy stuff. Anyway, while I was up there I got bored in my room at night so instead of just vegging out watching National Geographic I took a chaplain model to paint. I did use a few of the new techniques presented by Dave (he covered a few general painting tips in addition to metallics).


Overall I tried to paint the armor a dark grey rather than the typical "black with highlights". I like the way it turned out but towards the end I lost steam which is why the backpack looks crappy compared to the rest of the model. I've toned down the level of freehand from the previous models as I want to put this guy in my finished army and I'm not entirely sure what freehanding I want to try on him yet (and I'm waiting to practice more).


Now on with the pics! Say Hi to Chaplain Croesus!


Comments, criticisms, and questions encouraged... as always.






I'm going to try and have a few WiP shots up on my Blog later today.

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Not including the Chaplain above or any test models I do I'm aiming at 1850. I have the list up on my blog if you are interested.


I painted the Chaplain up since I'm awaiting a few painting supplies I need in order to try out my 3rd (and hopefully final) test model. Then work on the actual army will begin in earnest.

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