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Iron Snakes


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Those are some very nice Iron Snakes, especially the Chaplain, your painting style is incredibly neat and clean. I just finished reading Brothers of the Snake myself and I'm seriously fighting the urge to get distracted by the ideas it's given me. Look forward to seeing more of this army as it takes shape.
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I love what you did with the chaplain. Out of all chaplain models, its the one I personally cannot stand. Its one of my least favorite models GW ever created(its the helmet and tabard) You however did a fantastic job painting it! I can't believe that isn't black paint!? it looks very much so.


my only criticism and maybe its the way the model was made, but he is leaning forward a lot. I suggest pushing him back to stand upright. The base of the metal figure may show but once you flock up the base it won't matter and he won't be leaning forward. Just my opinion.


Ace paint job again Chrono. If you have time, PM me your "chaplain black" recipe :)

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Thanks for the praise folks. Whenever my art supplies get here I'll start work on test model 3. I'm going to try out the reaper metallics on the advice of a far better painter than myself.


XKhalilX - Yeah, he is leaning forward a bit. I attribute that partially to the model and partially to me not thinking about looking at that. I'll give you a PM this week with the process for the 'black'. It's really not that hard. I have to go back and check my ratios though as I wasn't really keeping track.


I still haven't gotten around to posting the WiP photos on the blog either. I'll get to that tonight hopefully.

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  • 1 year later...

Okay, so I'm finally back to work on my Iron Snakes and figured I'd simply resurrect this thread instead of creating a new one.


Anyway, I finally tracked down 95% of the bitz I wanted to create my squads of Iron Snakes and I'm in the very early stages of assembly. I really do mean early by the way. I have a lot of dremeling in my future as I prepare the shields for use and I need to start cutting arms up for repositioning purposes.


Anyway, since I managed to gather the basic parts I wanted to test out a few dry fits. Note, this model is supposed to represent my Sternguard (which I'm using to represent Notables).










Sorry if some of the pictures are a little grainy, and yeah, I know they still need a lot of work. I have a few more pictures on my blog and I hope to have some more updates by Monday.



EDIT: I forgot this was in the Hall of Honor. Could I get a mod to move this to the WiP forum? I'd greatly appreciate it (I'm just trying to keep all of my Iron Snakes stuff together here on BnC).

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Yes, the notables will have lances. Even the tactical squads will have lances and shields in them, just not every model.


For lances I'm considering either the dark elf banner poles (if I can find enough of them) or the spears from the Chaos Marauders.

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Stunning models so far! Oohh, where is the shield from?


The shield comes from the plastic hoplite box from Immortal Studios.


As a note the shields are not uniform size or exactly the same shape (some are more convex than others). Still, I find the shields very useful other than the arm molded onto the inside of the shield.

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