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Soul Drinkers Army


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*Sorry about the crap pics, I realised after taking them all that the kids had been playing with the camera and smudged the lens - so the pics have that steamy, after-hours chatline look about them.*


Quick Soul Drinkers History for those not familiar with the books:

Imperial Fists successor chapter specialising in shockl assault tactics and space ship boardings. The attempt to retrieve a sacred chapter artifact and get screwed over by the Adeptus Mechanicus. As a result of their revenge actions they become excommunicatae tratoris and hunted by the inquisition. The sould drinkers decided the Imperium is floored and corrupt, however they maintain their loyalty to the God-Emperor and fight the forces of chaos in his name.


While doing so they are unknowingly used by a daemon prince of Tzeentch as a pawn and become exposed to the raw stuff of chaos - causing extensive mutation (this makes the Inquisition even less happy)


Alone, hunted and fighting the enemies of mankind, the inquisition and mutation that consumes them.


If you've got a problem and no one else can help, and if you can find them... you should consider hiring the Soul Drinkers


Its developed a fair bit past the original theme which was the soul drinkers strictly off the book to include the options to field the army in 2 forms - both pre and post mutation/excommunication - by selecting mutation bearing models I can field the modern soul drinkers, fielding the non-mutants gives the earlier version


The sould drinkers were a fleet based shock/assault army formed as a successor chapter to the imperial fists, and are described as expert shipboarding/assault troops


I've tried to keep things that fit in with this them, while maintaing an army that I think will still play well (I conisder myself a gamer before painter/modeller).


A note on shoulder pads - I had sculpted the chalice onto a lot of them, as well as using the molding technique, but you'll note a lot of the tacitcal marine don't have them. There is a reason for this - I'd envisaged that the model with shoulder pads - a few tac marines, sternguard, tellos's assault marines are the veterans of the first chapter war - those marines loyal to sarpedon, while those without shoulder pads are the new recruits, picked up after the chapter became excommuicatae tratoris.


anyway, enough crapping on - the pics


Chapter command


techmarine Lygsis, Chaplain Iktinos and chapter master/librarian Sarpedon in mutie and non mutie form (ok the non-mutie form isn't finished)






terminators (just what you need for those tricky ship boardings and shock assaults!) - Pre excommunication there would have been plenty of these - when I run my post ex list I tend to field just one squad under 1st Captain Karraidan










Dreadnought - ironclad - Golgoleon (former chapter master of the Soul drinkers - killed by Sarpedon in the shism during an honour duel - bet he would have been thrilled to put into a dready!)



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Tactical Squads - named after characters from the books - a mixture of mutations in each squad - some specifically mentioned in the books (- i.e sergeant Greavus had a mutated arm allowing him to field a poweraxe one handed) others are just add ins










Assault Squad Tellos

the one that causes ALL the trouble - eventually goes schizo and becomes a bezerker along with his squad after losing his arms, jamming chainblades in them and developing wolverine-esq healing abilities - although ends up taking a cyclonic torpedo to the head... no getting up from that




Sternguard (or as I like to think of them 1st chapter war verterans)




Land raider redeemer - they don't technically have these in the books - but I figure they're more of a pre-excommunication thing anyway - I can totally see one of these things being driven through a breach in a space-boarding action!




Bikes - as above really - more of a pre-than-post list




and finally


Drop pods

generally I run all 4 in my 1500 point lists - I tend to imagine they're more boarding torpedos than drop pods, although I think they fit with the shock-assault them



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Love the purple scheme - some great looking models! Loved the idea of using the Librarian Terminator for Sarpedon. Seen other convesions of him using a power armoured Labrarian and they looked too small (especially with the arachnid legs)


I thought the books were great too - some of the best power armoured fiction out there. Can't wait till the next book arrives (should be here in the next few days. WOO-HOO!)

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Wow, amazing!


Paint jobs are excellent, but more importantly you've put a real sense of character into these guys, not just the character but even the rank and file!


You must be proud when you field these on the tabletop (if you dare!)

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