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Landspeeder Storm


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A Landspeeder Storm can Deep Strike & being Open-topped the Scouts can charge from the moving vehicle.

Deep Striking vehicles count as moving at cruising speed but this does not apparently affect the transport ability of a skimmer.

So does this mean that a Scout squad can Deep Strike in a Landspeeder Storm & assault on the same turn?

Can someone can clear this up for me?

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A Landspeeder Storm can Deep Strike & being Open-topped the Scouts can charge from the moving vehicle.

Deep Striking vehicles count as moving at cruising speed but this does not apparently affect the transport ability of a skimmer.

So does this mean that a Scout squad can Deep Strike in a Landspeeder Storm & assault on the same turn?

Can someone can clear this up for me?


Yeah the rules seem to allow scouts to disembark from a speeder even after it has moved at cruisiong speed, i found this quite strange, as they cannot fire from within the speeder, but can jump out fire and assault if they wanted to...


Strange but true.




Edit: oops forgot to take into account deepstrike, scouts cannot assault on the turn they deepstrike, but can still disembark and shoot

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It's not the scouts arriving via deepstrike though, the LSS is the deepstriking unit in question.


A drop pod is another deep-striking unit with transport capacity and it goes as far to specifically states in its rules that assaulting is dissallowed, why no similar mention in the LSS's rules?

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It's not the scouts arriving via deepstrike though, the LSS is the deepstriking unit in question.


A drop pod is another deep-striking unit with transport capacity and it goes as far to specifically states in its rules that assaulting is dissallowed, why no similar mention in the LSS's rules?


No, the unit is still arriving on the battlefield via Deep Strike - even when contained within the Transport. They cannot assault.


What you can do, and what you are advised to do with a Land Speeder Storm, is to Outflank (both the LSS and the Scouts have Scout, which allows this).


You then have a unit which can enter play on the LSS, dismount and then Assault, and which threatens 20" onto the board from the table edge.

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It's not the scouts arriving via deepstrike though, the LSS is the deepstriking unit in question.


A drop pod is another deep-striking unit with transport capacity and it goes as far to specifically states in its rules that assaulting is dissallowed, why no similar mention in the LSS's rules?


No, the unit is still arriving on the battlefield via Deep Strike - even when contained within the Transport. They cannot assault.


What you can do, and what you are advised to do with a Land Speeder Storm, is to Outflank (both the LSS and the Scouts have Scout, which allows this).


You then have a unit which can enter play on the LSS, dismount and then Assault, and which threatens 20" onto the board from the table edge.


Good idea, i'd use it.

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Keep in mind.. Also that the thing can deter other deep strikers nearby, so moving near an icon to deter summoning should be kept in mind. A rare ability should not be forgotten.


Scout move can give you a decent run for the first turn if you know you've got it. No need to outflank, catch him offguard in the first turn and assault freely using shrike for fleet. 12"scout+12"move+2.75"disembark(Its like coherency, refer disembarkment example picture)+D6"fleet+6"assault(also keep in mind they have move through cover and a skimmer gets them there). Its almost guranteed.


1 Powerfist sergeant can slap a tank or dread down on the charge, it would be like munching marines when it kills scouts so its no biggie. I just regret sadly, that they did not make this wonder a transport option for standard games.... Poor scouts in apoc, that lack short range anti tank weapons.

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