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Land Speeder Storms ... Driveby tactics


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Someone suggested equipping my scouts with shotguns and using them in the Storm in a drive-by roll...


While this is certainly very cool...


Isn't the max range of shotguns 12" ... meaning that the enemy can charge them next turn?

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More importantly, they can rapid-fire away your pretty speeder. Assaulting wouldn't be advisable, since you wouldn't disembark your scouts from the speeder. It really only works as long as you are sure to eliminate something so as not to threaten your speeder next turn.
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Its very hard to take down a speeder that moved simply by assaulting it, whether you use bolters or shotties the scouts count as having moved if the speeder had.

So its best to use shotties as they have the advantage of being able to assault on top of shooting twice.


To be honest if you sent them out against a unit they wont last long, you need to use them along side a more dangerous unit that would take most of the attention, or used with a heavy flamer the LSS can be used to flush units out of cover, infact they are perfect for killing enemy scouts..


Check out the links below for more info



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I think this would work if you picked the right target but it's backwards. Use bolters on them if you drive-by, shotguns or bp+ccw if you plan to assault with them.


I dont think you understand, bolters and shotties are exactly the same in terms of drive by's, they both have 12" range and shoot twice, the shotties give you the option to assault on top making use of the LSS cerberus launchers, its all about versatility and control..



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