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Newb to 40K - Crimson Fist Army WIP

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Noy bad for your first batch. Good attempt at highlighting, a bit thick though on the lighter colors. You may need a thinner brush. Thinning your paints would help too. Really nice eyes by the way, I don't even attempt, but you did them well.


Kepp up the good work :)

Ah more CF! I love it!!!! Now on to your paint jobs.


Very not bad for being absolutely new to the scene. In fact, I don't even do bare faces that well. then again I never cared :) Really the only issue with it is it's kinda gritty and the highlights are a little large, but all in all very excellent! Picking up a few techniques here and there will do wonders for your painting abillities (not to mention the costly expense of brushes). keep it up!

Thanks for all the advice.


I agree as well with the highlights, definitely a smaller brush required :)


I've also got my base coating slightly thinner on the Dread which seems to be better an less gritty as Twin.44 suggested.


Hope fully by the time I get to the Vets and Pedro I'll have most of the techniques down :D

Not bad at all for a beginner. You wont believe how long it took me to come up with highlighting.


So yeah, smaller brush for highlights, thin your paints some.


I recommend you get some wash and get the nice shading and such on them. I would go for a blue, or red. Maybe Badab Black, but I think your guys are dark enough as is.


Also I realize your men are all facing us. So I can't tell if you scraped your mold lines off or not. If you did, good job. If you didn't, why'd you hide 'em? Afraid of the criticisms from your peers are yee? ;)


Good work, keep at it!

Thanks again for all the tips, some of them do have a Leviathan Purple wash, but I don't think it comes out right, so was going for a blue next. ;)


Also I realize your men are all facing us. So I can't tell if you scraped your mold lines off or not. If you did, good job. If you didn't, why'd you hide 'em? Afraid of the criticisms from your peers are yee? ;)


Good work, keep at it!



I had scraped the mold lines off, some thing I would not have done if my next door neighbour had not told me. (He's also doing 40K, but Chaos Marines)


I was also having enough troubles with the missus's camera not focusing at the best of time, so its front views at the moment. But my plan is to make a 360 degree stop frame video of some of them next. Just need a better camera ;)


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