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Dragons of Death WIP thread

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Hey all!

This is my first WIP thread, so take it easy.

I've been collecting 40K for 2 years now, with a small contingent of IG (soon to be recoloured to something more fitting), a WIP Mercenary force based on Eldar, a handfull of Tau and working on a full Chapter of Sons of the Dragon (with a pair of successor chapters in the back of my mind).

Recently, I decided to begin a little bit of work on one of the SotD successors: the Dragons of Death.

Now, the DoD are a chapter from the Cursed 21st Founding, the entire chapter (minus a single Battle Company) turned to Chaos at the Chapter Master's consent, and they decided to destroy the planet they were guarding and flee to the Eye of Terror.

Now, here's the thing: Should I model them like proper Chaos Marines, or play them as a regular Chapter of Marines, with suitable Chaos names?

Chaos version colour scheme:


"Loyalist" version colour scheme:


(The blacked out eagle on the chest means there's nothing there)

I'm really unsire on how to do this, so C+C required...

by the way, to see some of the history, see my signature and click on the link





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Model-wise, you could use loyalist and chaos marines together. Just make sure you remove chaos marks and/or aquilas.


Rules-wise, feel free to switch between C:SM and C:CSM. Don't forget to let your opponent know which codex you're using.


Cool fluff by the way. Is Siphodias an allusion to Star Wars episode II?

Model-wise, you could use loyalist and chaos marines together. Just make sure you remove chaos marks and/or aquilas.


Rules-wise, feel free to switch between C:SM and C:CSM. Don't forget to let your opponent know which codex you're using.


Hehe, nice idea, sounds really good, I may use it...

I'll invest in a Loyalist and a Chaos Combat swuad, remove icons, and make a tactical squad :devil:


Cool fluff by the way. Is Siphodias an allusion to Star Wars episode II?


Dunno, just liked the sound of the name...

Couldn't think of a decent name, then thought of Star Wars (well, who wouldn't?) and remembered Count Dooko's name before he turned to the Dark Side - Siphodias...


Cool, huh? :P


Thanks for your input



The schemes both look alot like The Purge (Renegades worshiping Nurgle)





by the way, peeps, just bought a SM Combat Squad and a CSM Combat Squad, they're almost completely assembled, just shoulder pads, a Flamer and maybe a Multi-Melta to add-on ... (still unsure on the topic... Might still go with a Heavy Bolter...)


On a side-note,I also bought a CSM Terminator Lord, assembled to look like my Dragon Warlord Z'Kai of the 1st (Terminator) Raiding Company, lookin good :P


I'll upload some pictures into my album soon enough, and up here too, so you can see them assembled :D



Can't find the Link that I had earlier, but generally, The Purge are a small chapter that went about killing entire planets, and generally just bringing death to the world. They wanted to exterminate all life in Nurgle's name, seeing it as the ultimate tribute to the Chaos God.


Personally, I would use Chaos Space Marine boxed sets, codexes, everything. Their sets are much more unique.

Personally, I would use Chaos Space Marine boxed sets, codexes, everything. Their sets are much more unique.


Bit boring on their own, methinks... :(


Had a look through my bits box and found me a Lascannon, a Plasma Cannon and a Heavy Bolter (with their backpacks), all Loyalist...


What should I use...? :P



  • 2 weeks later...

Hello all!

I've recently entered myself into a painting competition, I think it was 1500 points, and I'm thinking of choosing my Renegades, played as a normal Marine Chapter, the planned army list is below:




1st Dragon Warlord Z'Kai - 155

Terminator Armour - 40

Combi-Melta - 5

Digital Weapons - 10



Tactical Squad Ignis - 210

5 extra Marines - 80

Flamer - 0

Heavy Bolter - 0

Sergeant has:

Power Fist - 25

Plasma Pistol - 15


Tactical Squad Magmis - 215

5 extra Marines - 80

Melta Gun - 5

Heavy Bolter - 0

Sergeant has:

Power Fist - 25

Plasma Pistol - 15


Scout Squad Orion - 180

5 extra Scouts - 65

4 Shotguns - 0

Heavy Bolter - 10

Sergeant has:

Power Weapon - 15

Teleport Homer - 15



Razorback Righteous Fire - 50

Stormbolter - 10


Rhino Rage of Vulkan - 55

Stormbolter - 10

Hunter-Killer missile - 10


Rhino Dragon's Wrath - 55

Stormbolter - 10

Hunter-Killer missile - 10



(Assault) Terminator Squad Hades - 200

2 Terminators have Lightning Claws - 0

2 Terminators have Thunder Hammers and Storm Shields - 0

Sergeant has Thunder Hammer and Storm Shield - 0


(Sternguard) Veteran Squad Ignos - 160

Plasma Gun - 10

Multi-Melta - 5

Sergeant has:

Power Weapon - 15


-----Fast Attack-----

Land Speeder Rapid Intervention - 60

Tornado pattern Heavy Bolter - 10


-----Heavy Support-----

Predator Fury of the Dragon - 95

Heavy Bolter sponsons - 25

Stormbolter - 10


Brother Sergeant Umbra (counts-as Chronus) - 70



And here's my wish list, for the record:



1st Dragon Warlord Z'Kai - 155

Terminator Armour - 40

Combi-Melta - 5

Digital Weapons - 10


3rd Dragon Warlord Is'Shar - 140

Lightning Claw - 15

Plasma Pistol - 15

Digital Weapons - 10


3rd Company Command Squad - 175

Company Champion - 15

Standard Bearer - 15

Apocethary has:

Plasma Pistol - 15

Standard Bearer has:

Bolter - 0

Veteran 1 has:

Plasma Gun - 15

Veteran 2 has:

Power Weapon - 15

Plasma Pistol - 15


Warp Dragon Sin'Drak - 115

Plasma Pistol - 15



Tactical Squad Ignis - 210

5 extra Marines - 80

Flamer - 0

Heavy Bolter - 0

Sergeant has:

Power Fist - 25

Plasma Pistol - 15


Tactical Squad Magmis - 215

5 extra Marines - 80

Melta Gun - 5

Heavy Bolter - 0

Sergeant has:

Power Fist - 25

Plasma Pistol - 15


Scout Squad Or'Xon - 180

5 extra Scouts - 65

4 Shotguns - 0

Heavy Bolter - 10

Sergeant has:

Power Weapon - 15

Teleport Homer - 15



Razorback Righteous Fire - 50

Stormbolter - 10


Rhino Rage of Vulkan - 55

Stormbolter - 10

Hunter-Killer missile - 10


Rhino Dragon's Wrath - 55

Stormbolter - 10

Hunter-Killer missile - 10



(Assault) Terminator Squad Hades - 200

2 Terminators have Lightning Claws - 0

2 Terminators have Thunder Hammers and Storm Shields - 0

Sergeant has Thunder Hammer and Storm Shield - 0


(Sternguard) Veteran Squad Ignos - 160

Combi-Plasma - 5

Multi-Melta - 5

Sergeant has:

Power Fist - 25


Brother Sylar (Dreadnought) - 125

Heavy Flamer - 10

Assault Cannon - 10


-----Fast Attack-----

Assault Squad Kraken - 150

Flamer - 10

Sergeant has:

Power Fist - 25

Plasma Pistol - 15


Land Speeder Rapid Intervention - 60

Tornado pattern Heavy Bolter - 10


-----Heavy Support-----

Predator Fury of the Dragon - 95

Heavy Bolter sponsons - 25

Stormbolter - 10


Brother Sergeant Un'Drar (counts-as Chronus) - 70



Just thinking, what should I cut out from my list, or put into, to make this a viable 1500 point Space Marine Strike Force, and, I need to think about painting time...


I'm going to put up a test marine soon, after my camera's sorted, that is...


Thanks for your time!



  • 3 weeks later...

shameless threadromancy here... :sweat:


Sorry for the lack of pictures, brothers (and possibly sisters, for those who are interested), as my camera has, yet again, failed to bring me the goods, I need a new one...


Still, I have my 1st tactical squad 80% complete, just my sergeant and a bolter-marine to go...

2nd tactical squad 10% complete, Melta-Gun armed marine is complete... (I, wrongly, decided to do a Melta-Gun Marine instead of a Bolter-Marine for the first squad... silly me :lol: )

My Sternguard squad is in need of a Multi-Melta, half-way through painting, too... -_-

And Dragon Warlod Z'Kai is complete, just needs a paint-job, now... (I may be giving him a daemonic servant, like Huron has, I just need to decide what kind of familiar/daemon to give him... :unsure: )


Okay, guys, (hopefully) updates soon, as soon as I've done this bloody VCR to DVD thing on my computer for my parents... The sound's not in sync :pinch:


I have better things to do, really... :confused:




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