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Hey there,


I saw the great Dognought here and decided that I needed to do something like that. I didn't have the same things that he had when he did his, but I think I did a good jobb any way. The mini is still very much WIP, I will add tubes and green stuff to the front legs together with runes and furr on the rest of the body. I will use this wolf as a Dreadnought with Multi-Melta in my army, I might give him some missils, but I'm not sure. Please tell me what you think of him!


The Wolfnought without a Base:





The WIP base have now been added:




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I have been trying to keep it on a Dread base so that it doesn't present to big a target when I take it into combat. But I could put the legs further back and trim the back of the dread.


Combat is base to base how can this be a problem? BTW to make it more wolfy stick with sentinal legs. Its much easier, i know i build one long before the one which inspried you.

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I have been trying to keep it on a Dread base so that it doesn't present to big a target when I take it into combat. But I could put the legs further back and trim the back of the dread.


Combat is base to base how can this be a problem? BTW to make it more wolfy stick with sentinal legs. Its much easier, i know i build one long before the one which inspried you.


Well, base to base is when an enemy can move into contact with your base. A bigger base means that more enemies can get into combat with you.


I thought of the Sentinal legs, but I wasn't sure about it. I would have bought a sentinel for just the legs and then scrapt the rest. I will see what I can do with this and maybe the next project is a sentinel one.

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I have been trying to keep it on a Dread base so that it doesn't present to big a target when I take it into combat. But I could put the legs further back and trim the back of the dread.


Combat is base to base how can this be a problem? BTW to make it more wolfy stick with sentinal legs. Its much easier, i know i build one long before the one which inspried you.


Well, base to base is when an enemy can move into contact with your base. A bigger base means that more enemies can get into combat with you.


I thought of the Sentinal legs, but I wasn't sure about it. I would have bought a sentinel for just the legs and then scrapt the rest. I will see what I can do with this and maybe the next project is a sentinel one.



Nothing wrong with bits!!!


He looks too me.... He looks like a big fat robot about to sit on the toilet to drop a load! Also the wolf head does look like its thrown of top of a dread with green stuff, i recommend trying to make it look more integrated into the system.

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