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Mr. Bleak's Alpha Legion Cell

Mr. Bleak

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Hey everybody, I've been a bit of a lurker here for awhile, posting little, mostly hanging out in hte roleplay section. Now, I'm taking the leap and showing you guys my first 40K army!


So far I have 10 Chaos Space Marines, 1 Chaos Lord, and 1 Rapter done. The 750 point list is going to have:


Chaos Lord, termie armour, combi-melta, daemon weapon

10 Marines, Champ with fist and plasma pistol, Icon of Glory, meltagun, plasmagun.

7 plague marines (I know, out of theme) with plasma gun and champ with powersword.

5 Raptors, Champ with twin claws and melta-bombs, plasma gun, plasma pistol


And the 1000 point list will see the addition of another 5 Marines with a flamer, a Dreadnought with multi melta, and 2 Rhinos. All of the additions are being converted from AOBR, except the Rhinos.


Anyway, here are the 10 man squad!


Icon Bearer:


Aspiring Champion and Friend:


Melta-Gunner and Friend:


Close Combat Marines(my personal favorites):



Not shown are the plasma-gunner and his bolter-friend.


Comments and Constructive Critiscism welcome! Also, please excuse the pics, my camera is good but I don't have any good spots to take the pics!

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^_^ Wow. Your first 40k army? You must have built armies for other miniature games, because that's a pretty darn good job. I'm interested to see more, especially the plague marines. Will they wear Alpha livery?

The list doesn't sound too bad either (although I'm not really an expert on list building). I say don't worry too much about the plague marines being out of theme. Alphas always use whatever tools they need to get the job done, right? ;)

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Thanks! And yes, I have collected alot of Warhammer Fantasy stuff, but not to much of it is fully painted, mostly jst the characters in various armies and the unit they accompany. Also, the Plague Marines will actually be done as Death Gaurd- the Alpha Legion Lord has the Seargent brain-washed (check out the Legio Roleplay- that isn't the only thing he's brain-washed!)


I will definatley get the Raptor up tommorow, and if I prime the few Plague Marines I have built, I'll show them too! I'm going to the local GW tommorow to paint and what-not, so I'm bound to get something done!

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Welcome to the fold brother. There seems to be an ever growing group of Alpharius' finest congregating here on the B&C.


Your AL are looking very nice, I love the scheme you have going on.


If you are looking for more AL info, please check out the link in my sig. The Lair is a great little forum for that extra bit of AL help. :rolleyes:

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