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chaos droppods


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I would like to make up a chaos army using droppods (converted to look like dreadclaws) and the loyalist codex rules. I was thinking that the nightlords might be the best legion to proxy, mainly because they hit hard and fast (according to the "lord of night" novel). I'm also considering either an iron legion or alpha legion droppod force. Which do you think would translate best using the loyalist codex rules?


Also, if anyone has a link to a droppod to dreadclaw conversion it would be greatly appreciated.

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  • 1 year later...
Steel Bretheren. They use lots of transports and drop pods. What? ITS IN THE CODEX!


I was going to ask about drop pods because they are in the codex (as noted above) but not in the army list. I assume CSM don't actually get them (barring a house rule) and I should ignore the fluff?



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Iron Warriors arent really known for assault heavy army.. They soften you up from long range fire and then overwhlem you with worthless people until you are tired and then rage your base with their elite troops saying things like "All your base are belong to us"


Hmmm.. Something that might be interesting is a Fallen Angel army... Always been fond of the idea myself.


You could also do red corsairs and not have to really convert a ton of things as most of their gear is stolen anyhow. :)

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One wonders, with this apparent leaning toward flyers for regular 40k, what CSM are going to get, or if they're just going to say, "you're stuck with pre-Heresy stuff! Ha ha you walk to the battlefield!"


Some Dreadclaws for regular 40k would help make up for a lack of flyers, if they won't actually give us a flyer of our own (or let us use the new flying brick they're giving the Loyalists).

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Go any of the above.


I love the Night lords, and their signature is sort of a shock and awe style of warfare. Overwhelming destruction from above and rapid deep striking army with a little more emphasis on raptors than normal CSM.


The Iron warriors are more siege breakers, and tend to use an extreme amount of siege weaponry. And a steady-sure advance to destroy the enemy. While a drop pod army wouldn't necessarily be a common sight, they are space marines and as such most certainly use them frequently. I've never seen an iron warriors drop pod army and think it would be damned cool.


Alpha legion; I think this could be really great as well. I second the cultists as scouts idea. I'd run them with shotguns probably with bolters and bolt pistol ccw here and there.


As it turns out not matter what army you choose, so long as it is some sort of space marine, drop pods are completely fine. I vote you go for the one that is the most interesting to you.

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Iron Warriors arent really known for assault heavy army.. They soften you up from long range fire and then overwhlem you with worthless people until you are tired and then rage your base with their elite troops saying things like "All your base are belong to us"


In AD 40,000 war was beginning...




Anyway, the Iron Warriors do use drop pods quite a bit, the IW battleplan when invading a planet involves 1.) Infiltration and marking of targets by special squads 2.) Orbital bombardment 3.) Deathwind class pods dropped on future landing zone 4.) Drop pod assault on landing zone. Also, the Steel Brethren are a splinter faction of the Iron Warriors legion, it says so in the Siege of Vraks books.


But yes, the rules don't allow for this, though I would be willing to bet that the next codex will have drop pods as flyers and all kinds of esoteric things have been included in codices lately.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Go World Eaters. they like to be quick in the fight and what faster way than starting right in the middle of the enemy.


Yeah but who would want to drop the ground with 4 crazed sons of Khorne!? :lol:

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Go World Eaters. they like to be quick in the fight and what faster way than starting right in the middle of the enemy.


That, and it gives Khârn a chance to practice his haiku again...


On your drop-ship hull

I planted a melta-bomb

Blood for the blood God!


[like button]

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Also, if anyone has a link to a droppod to dreadclaw conversion it would be greatly appreciated.


I don't know about conversions, but here is the link to the Dreadclaw model from Forgeworld:




The rules for the Dreadclaw are contained in Imperial Armour 6, the Siege of Vraks part II.


It is expensive compared to a normal Drop Pod or Rhino, and does not contain weapons.


The big advantage it offers is the Deep Strike ability. It can carry a Dreadnought, which may be an effective way to deal with the Crazed special rule (by putting the Dread right in the middle of enemy troops). Unlike the Imperial version of this rule, you do have some special scatter conditions to deal with, but they are not unbearable.

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  • 5 weeks later...
Yes, it's stated that in Apocalypse you can use anything the Loyalists can in your Chaos force. It isn't stating that you can do so in normal games. I don't know why they even wrote that, as the one rule in Apocalypse regarding army selection is "take whatever the hell you want."
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This question is hard for me since I see absolutely no reason why chaos marines can't use drop pods, speeders, assault cannons etc... So I think ALL of them would be fine. I'd pick the army you like the most fluff/painting wise and run with it. If you feel like it needs to be more convincing giving the lack of them in the list, then do a renegade force like red corsairs.
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