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Pre-Heresy World Eater


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Zeroeightfive is having a little difficulty hammering out the color mixes for his pre-heresy World Eaters, so I just put this model together in a couple hours. There's still a bit to do (the face, the iconography, the blood splatters, and the base), but hopefully it'll help him get goin' on his army.












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nicely done DV8. any plans for a full force of these bad boys?


No. I'm only painting one to help zeroeightfive figure out his color scheme (and the colors/mixes to use).


Amazing white! Any chance of a break down on how it was done?


Prime white

Basecoat Bleached Bone

Blend up to Skull White

Wash with Devlan Mud

Touch up highlights with Bleached Bone and Skull White


I also played around with a bit of Baal Red in the recesses of the armor plates to give it a bit of a red tint, Might look nice when I start painting blood splatters.




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Finished. Hopefully Zeroeightfive will be able to crank em out now that he knows the color mixes will work.










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  • 6 months later...
looks sick mate - anymore updates, or you still pissed off about that idiot on warseer? i wouldn't worry mate - if he can't wait for things he aint worth getting stressed about. im sure you already knew that, i just love looking at your superb stuff.
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