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DIY Chapter - Captain


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Very nice!

Great colour scheme, nice idea behind it, love the Egyptian influences! Overrall, very, very good!


Now, names... I was thinking maybe Sons of Amun-Ra or possibly Guardians of the Pharoh (or however you spell it...) or Praetors of Rameces


You could possibly do the Sons of Horus... Oh wait, that's been taken :rolleyes:


Good website for Egyptian Gods: http://www.ancientegypt.co.uk/gods/explore/main.html


good luck!




(EDIT - Just thought of Guardians of the Ankh as a possibility...)

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Nice looking model and I love the color scheme.


Given you use an Ankh for their symbol, which was commonly used to symbolize gods of the afterlife in ancient Egypt, how about "Sons of Osiris" for a chapter name?



Try not to make it as shallow and obvious as that.


Maybe the Osirian Angels


Sounds nice to me.

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Just one point... if you name the chapter after a different god (e.g. Sons of {god name}) I think the Ordos Hereticus might be a bit upset.


Very cool looking mini, nice colour scheme and great paint job.


Osiris, Horus, Amon-Ra, <insert god name here> doesn't have to be a reference to the god. It could easily be the homeworld or even the original chapter master. Many chapters reference historical and mythological figures in their name. Praetors of Orpheus? Sons of Medusa? Sons of Guilliman? It's a reference of origin, not of reverance.

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