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A Mortifactors blog [pic heavy]


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thanks guys


#13: since their homeworld is shrouded in darkness and they live on an isolated fortress world i went for paleskins, might do a dark skinned one though. i will however keep the entire brutal ritualistic stuff wich i think is gotten from Maya/Inka/Aztec and Moche culture mixed with some Voodoo and perhaps Aghori cermonial stuff.

next update might be in a few hours if i can find the time today.


Brother Duncs: well its because of the winter season i think, being snowed in for weeks at a time just creates that sort of mentality to practice something until perfection ahahha, or perhaps we just post the good stuff and leave the bad who knows.

the realm of chaos album is awesome, ive been a deathmetal fan since 89 and love the older stuff alot. the RT cover on that album is a nice touch, back when GW had some humor and chaos toilets were rare additions to any self respecting chaos army...


Rapture 747: since its an even bigger effort, i dont even own a drill that small. besides the painted barrels look good enough for the table and are easier to paint than drilled ones.


once again thanks guys...

you know actually the way you painted the barrels, they look really good, no need to even worry about drilling them out. I love the dread. Also the single mini that you painted for the comp, is beautiful. Did you use a brush for all of it or did you use paint pens on some of it (like the shoulder insignia) Great work my friend!



Haha it's not fair you're too good at to many things. What have we Welsh got? The Lost Prophets *shudders*. :D It's a shame that cover isn't used anymore, Earache wouldn't pay to keep using it and now they've got some second rate sci-fi pic on the front. Any way back to the models. How big is this army gonna be?

the skull on telions pad is just me and a brush and some paint, ive been painting minis for 15 years now and trained my hand to be steady, thats all there is to it really. a steady hand and some inspiration i guess.


the bone colour is based off of some PPP bleached bone look alike, this was then washed with ppp umbral umber and then re-hilited with that menoth ppp colour. for the last hilites i added Rackhams white to this and just hilited the thing.


thanks for the compliments guys.

so here he is, all that remains is the scopethingy on the rifles end, the eyepart so to speak, and the back of the cloak.


i added small skulls to the hem of the cloak, they dont show up that well in this angle so you'll have to trust me on that one.


enjoy, cos tomorrow this thing is going to GW stockholm....and will probably get broken or something...



im thinking staff theyve molested my minis before, im used to it, especially a long time ago when i used to game down there, it was insane how much damage my minis took from being poked, flipped and mauled just by people looking at them.


well, the cape is soon done and is coming along nicely

so, yesterday i submitted Telion to the GW painting comp in Sthlm. so there wont be any pics of him till tomorrow maybe. to combat this pic-less problem i remembered my sweet GF terrorizing me while i was desperately tryi ng to finish him the night before....so heres some pics of me hurriedly trying to paint good and not get insane with rage over my girlfriend trying to completely blind me using the flash on the cam...oh and some pics of my termies and scouts....







notice how well arranged my basing stuff looks behind my scouts...its nice to be smart some times...



the black on the yellow isnt finished, just traced so to speak. it will look better in a day or two.


so what do B&C say?



You should have painted Telion to look like yourself, the beard has a striking similarity!

Anyway, back to the minis; They really are awesome. Many other Mortifactor armies I've seen tend to come out looking fairly boring, but these are awesome! You are are an amazing painter and you've done everyone proud!

yes i do undercoat, i get this question alot, i use fortress grey to undercoat all my minis since i find that it gives the light of white (somewhat) and the dark of black (somewhat).


thanks guys.


and since Telion somehow managed to win me the first place in 40k single at GW Stockholm today there wont be any pics of him for about two more weeks, by wich time he might show up on the internet on their page or something. but he will be put online by me then.


i won one of those Khorne demonheralds on jugger and thought id start my old passion anew, insane chaosarmies with more beard than ZZ-Top. but first i`ll finish some more mortifactors.


cheers and once again thanks.

After reading this thread I've looked up the old UK WD which featured the mortifactor army. It was WD317, and I have to say between that army and yours, I'm really tempted to try them out myself. Just a shame that I'd just commited myself to Iron snakes. :(


Love the terminators, the way you paint bone looks really good. The only thing I'd critize is the shields, the stripe and cross are a bit.......standard. Personally I'd have gone with skulls or something more voodoo- like to go with the mortifactor background.


Anyways keep it up, i'm definately a fan of this blog.

#13: i didnt even know they had done an issue with them, i should check that out. the stripe and cross are just mock-ups right now, they will get details added that make them more mortifactorish, i already have a termie with something like a skull on it though. the bone colour is really simple, just base, shade and two highlights. i think its all on the base color, PPP menoth white base, its got slightly more yellow in it than GW bleached bone wich makes it shine like crazy.

thanks for the compliments and i will make sure this blog keeps alive for you and others to hopefully enjoy


Müller: sorry dude, im gonna do a demonarmy, im gonna try FW models for it....

Haha it's not fair you're too good at to many things. What have we Welsh got? The Lost Prophets *shudders*. :D It's a shame that cover isn't used anymore, Earache wouldn't pay to keep using it and now they've got some second rate sci-fi pic on the front. Any way back to the models. How big is this army gonna be?


Desecration, my man, Desecration.


Excellent looking Mortifactors!


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