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A Mortifactors blog [pic heavy]


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no replies on that, ehm well, lets see if the newly updated pic will get any:



the red is truer in this pic than in the last one, its not as orange as it looked.


what do you guys say?

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  • 2 weeks later...

its been long since i last posted anything here it seems, well ive been studying and stuff, but i also painted some stuff.


this is a wip of my scouts, they are soon to be done and will probably not see anymore pics here but in the finished section.





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so, i finished the scouts and havent got any decent pics now, but i took these they could perhaps stir up some comments?


scouts led by Telion:





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thanks guys.


heres my progress on my vindicator so far:



i started the roof today and i will be going for a complete finish on this mini today, i need to move on for the summer army competition at GW. i have some minis left to do.

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ashen shugar: thanks dude. well the freehand will not be missed on the vindicator when its done, nor the chaplain which has had his cloth painted.....pics soon.


grokkit: well a fullblown tutorial is a big thing to do but....theres always a but, i did do this quickie tut on freehand painting:



i used a dark purple and bleached bone and some black for this.


all you really need is to observe stuff irl and get the brush-handling you need to transfer it onto minis. using shades and light to create volume and texture is all about learning i guess. im a lifetime painter/drawing dude and i had 3 years of art school so perhaps listening to my crap isnt always the best thing since it almost comes naturally for me

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i just remembered i did this kind of tutorial for another forum once and used a chaos mini.


i will repost the pics here and some quick stuff about whats going on....hopefully this can be called a tutorial of sorts...














i never finished the mini sadly, but thats the way things are i guess....enjoy if you can














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alot of pics.....well, one day i might finish huron he who lives will know, till then he´ll be eyeballing me from the shelf

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  • 3 weeks later...

so, i havent painted anything since the comp a couple of weeks ago, so i started painting again today, i started my termie libby and the freehand on the drop pod


is it ok?








and an overview of what i own for this army so far:




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  • 2 weeks later...

sons of erebus: thanks mate, its all about practice really, not that hard once you find a way that works.


Grokkit: yes they are, perfect for the job aswell since theres a ton of weapons in the box...


Tyron: i dont think it has been asked so no prob.

the bone coloured armour is:

P3 menoth white base which recieves a wash of P3 umbral umber, this is then cleanes up with menoth white base, highlighted with GW bleached bone and then finally bleached bone and white. the scratches were made with umbral umber and then hilited with pure white.


the black armour is: a special blend of black, P3 umbral umber and a bit of GW codex grey, this gives the mix the appearance of being black but when you look at it with something truly black besides it you see that its a bit lighter. this mix then is hilited by mixing in some fortress grey in 2-3 lighter shades. scratches are painted on using pure black and a fortress grey hilite.


skin: P3 khardic flesh shaded with GW catachan green and then cleaned up with khardic flesh again, for the highlight i use Rackhams pearly flesh which is a pinkish very bright colour, this is mixed with khardic flesh for 3-4 highlights until its pure pearly flesh, then i do 2 more higlights using pearly flesh and white.


NMM metals: the base is P# ironhull grey which is then shaded using umbral umber, clean that up with ironhull grey and then use fortress grey mixed with it for highlights up to pure fortress grey, then just add sharp highlights using pure white.


the Yellow parts: the base is actually just P3 khardic flesh which gets some highlights by adding Rackham Lahn yellow up to pure yellow, this then gets a splash of white in it for the last highlight.


hope that helps some??




well, the reason for me finally returning to this minipainting blog is that GW stockholm is going to celebrate its 10 year anniversary this month and since i got second place in the army painting competition this summer i have an invitation to compete in a special class with it, but it has to be 1000-1500 points strong and at its current painted size its only about 600 points.

to remedy this i have started to complete the vindicator and the drop pod and also added the libby to the painting list, but yesterday i got the final stuff that i needed, they were made of red plastic and they got some filing and scraping before i started painting them today....


here are 2 out of the five:



ignore the pinkish shades, theyre just undercoated, oh and these are very wip...


cheers and thanks to all of you who keep encouraging me with all these nice comments, if i ever see you i´ll get you a beer.

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On the Space Hulk Terminators, how did you seperate them from their plastic bases? Did you just use a saw? I want to rebase mine instead of just having them "stand on" plastic. Also, anything to watch out for when I do this?





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On the Space Hulk Terminators, how did you seperate them from their plastic bases? Did you just use a saw? I want to rebase mine instead of just having them "stand on" plastic. Also, anything to watch out for when I do this?






actually i didnt, the basing material/technique i use for this army is so forgiving and hides them pretty well. i covered them with my "basing goo", a mix of PVA/White glue and sand from the kids sandbox. this also adds volume to the base.


if i was to remove them i would cut off as much as possible and then file down the parts underneath their feet.

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