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Logan Grimnar

Brother SRM

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Well, I got Logan from my girlfriend for Christmas, and I finally found the time to get him done! In between flash and multiple other army projects, it's been hard to find the time to get back to any of my Wolves, let alone ol' Grimey here. On with the pics!

Note: The white speckles on him are bits of flock that I didn't notice till I uploaded the pictures. They've since been brushed off.











I've left the black shoulder pad blank since I honestly don't know what to put there yet. Tell me what you think!

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Nice.I really like him.

You can always apply a waterslide wolf transfer there and your model will be complite.Do you plan a wolf army ?

I actually already have a Wolf Army, I just haven't taken many pictures yet, what with them being in Connecticut and me being in Boston and all ^_^ I was thinking something freehand-y for the shoulder, like his company symbol. Always need more practice with freehand.


Thanks for the axe compliments, Kable ;)

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@ Marek Grimfang: I have some, but I couldn't find an icon for Logan's company. Would look kinda silly to have Logan Grimnar bearing the badge of a lesser Wolf Lord. The one I did try to use was basically an iron halo with a wolf head in the middle, but it was too finnicky and didn't fit. I might try one of the wide ones that are like license plates on his shoulder.
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Pretty nice job. I like the cloak and axe (some blood would look so good right there).


I think to improve a little you could maybe add a midtone to your highlights? Just to ease up the Space Wolf Grey (I assume you used).

I'm yet to try using a midtone on power armor. So far it's just been straight line highlighting, but I'd like to work with some midtones. I do agree the Space Wolf Grey looks rather stark though.


As for blood, I need more practice before I try and screw things up by putting a red glob on my HQ's axe :blink:


Thanks for your comments; keep em comin!

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