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WIP Mechanicus tech priest enginseer


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i know people will whinge about posting an imperial guard model here but the techpriest DOES wear power armour... at least thats what the wargear and equipment part of his entry in the codex says so i figured i'd try my luck at posting it here... if the powers that be decide it doesn't count, then fair enough but here it is...














started painting it a good few months ago as a new way of trying bronze/tarnished gold armour and i'm quite happy withthe result... so much so that when i found a few left over guardsmen (about a hundred or so...) i decided to paint them in a similar style and use them as my inquisitors personnal army when i play apocalypse.


Hope you enjoy it... be quick cos it might not be around for long :)

first off: nice loophole ^_^


lol... well power armour is power armour :)

i haven't tuched tis guy in months... been too busy with wolfy things... might get round to finishing him and the rest of the guard at some point in the future


thanks for the kind words :D

for the gold i started with a basecoat of boltgun, scorched brown and black in a 4:2:1 mix, shade it with a badab black wash then a couple of coats of gryphonne sepia. drybrush it with boltgun and add anothercouple of coats of gryphonne sepia... drybrush again and yet more wshes of gryphonne... then you canstart addin scratches with thinned down chainmail. if you add thescratches between coats of gryphonne sepia then you'll get some that look older than others. finally a thinned downpurple ink really helps with the antique feel... takes a while (mostly waiting for the washes to dry) but the end result looks cool.

if you guys want i could do a photo tutorial

oh yes please :)


ive been wanting to do templars in the style of Revmatt's Iron hands, but have been at a loss of how to do tarnished gold. I feel your style here would be PERFECT to help portray Templars on the long campaign trail far away from the parade grounds.


very, very awesome ;)

- T14

i know people will whinge about posting an imperial guard model here but the techpriest DOES wear power armour... at least thats what the wargear and equipment part of his entry in the codex says so i figured i'd try my luck at posting it here...


Just wearing power armor doesn't cut it. The rules are very clear on what is and isn't allowed. Since this is an AdMech model it can stay but if guard or orks in powa-armor or any other "loop hole" shows up, the Emperor's Justice will be swift and merciless. ;)

for the gold i started with a basecoat of boltgun, scorched brown and black in a 4:2:1 mix, shade it with a badab black wash then a couple of coats of gryphonne sepia. drybrush it with boltgun and add anothercouple of coats of gryphonne sepia... drybrush again and yet more wshes of gryphonne... then you canstart addin scratches with thinned down chainmail. if you add thescratches between coats of gryphonne sepia then you'll get some that look older than others. finally a thinned downpurple ink really helps with the antique feel... takes a while (mostly waiting for the washes to dry) but the end result looks cool.

if you guys want i could do a photo tutorial

That would be very much appreciated! :blink:

ok guys i'll dig out an old model... might even have helbrecht lying around in which case i'll use him and get to work on it over the next few days... you should see it up here within a week... and i'm glad so many people like it, as i said it was an experiment on a spare model so its a nice response :blink:

as promised here is the tutorial for how i painted the armour... well nearly, as said i painted it a while ago and i'm pretty sure this is how i did it. the results almost the same, just more layers of scratches on this one :D

Well here's the model i'm gonna paint, High Marshal Hellbrecht or whatever his name is... A quick paint strip from some dodgy undercoat and he's ready for this...



STEP 1; once you have your model and basecoat the area you are painting with the following mix...

4 parts boltgun metal- 2 parts scorched brown- 1 part chaos black


STEP 2; Apply 1 wash of Badab Black and then 2 washes of Gryphonne Sepia


STEP 3; Give the model a light drybrushing of boltgun metal... i find it important to do this between steps as it helps enhance the shading in the recesses and keeps the metal from becoming too dark... after all there are quite a few layers of wash being added...

By now the model should look something like this...




STEP 4; at this point i used a thinned down boltgun metal to highlight the extreme edges of the armour and add some scratches... not too many as this layer won't show through very much by the end but it should help give the model a rather battered look.

this is entirely optional however, so if you want a cleaner looking marine feel free not to add the scratches, i would however still edge highlight the model.




STEP 5; add 2 more washes of Gryphonne Sepia




STEP 6; Another light drybrush of boltgun metal. Then edge highlight with thinned boltgun again and as before add some scratches. When that highlight is dry apply another edge highlight using a 2-1 mix of Boltgun Metal and Chainmail. Then using the same mix apply some more scratches.

The reason that i apply the scratches in two colours is because by the time the model is finished the boltgun metal scratches won't show throuh as well and so will look older.

Don't worry if it looks too much at the moment the end result is more subtle...




STEP 7; You guessed it, another 2 washes of Gryphonne Sepia will bring the gold look back to the armour and tone down some of the scratches...




STEP 8; This is the final stage, a thinned down wash of purple ink to bring the richness out and give it quite an antique look...

+optional+ i added an extremely fine highlight of boltgun in the extreme, and i mean extreme, edges of parts of the armour and also on some of the larger scratches... this isn't needed by any means but if you feel the model needs a bit of extra definition on the armour then feel free.





Oh and by the way you can also apply markings to the armour to make it look like insignia has been etched... heres an example of an Imperial Guardsman with an Inquisition emblem on his armour...




This was achieved by painting the symbol with thinned down chainmail before adding the final wash of Gryphonne Sepia... it could easily be done to add campaign markings, crux terminatus, kill badges etc to the armour without using a 'normal' colour


Hope this makes sense as it the first painting tutorial I've written... any problems let me know and i'll try and get it to make sense...


Oh and lastly... should i finish hellbrecth or not... io don't know anyone who plays templars so I wouldn't ever use it... what do you guys reckon


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