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wip world eaters daemon prince


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with the release of apocalypse a friend and i decided that we needed to expand our collections so we settled on adding 1500 of the chaos legions representing the different gods... he took slaanesh (he already had an army started) and tzeentch and i settled on world eaters and death guard so here is the first addition to my world eaters force, a daemon prince


the model was from the hell dorado range and is only half done as you can see... any comments regarding the skin would be gratefully recieved











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  • 2 weeks later...
Yeah, the muscle needs some very bright, bloody highlights. Also, there's a fair bit of exposed tendon at the ends of those muscles, which tends to be white-pink rather than red (though the blood would cover much of that). Spatterd blood running off onto the skin left in its original place would also likely be appropriate.


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