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Terminator Libararian


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Hey all.


I'd recently been working on a few conversions (Such as my Counts-As Kantor), many of which have used parts from two Chaos Terminator Lord kits. What I had leftover, however, was quite substantial, so I decided that another Character was in order.

I noticed that many of the parts would suit making my own Loyalist Librarian, minus the spikes and arrows of course. I mean, many of the pieces have the Skull with Goat Horns motive, which quite a few of the GW Librarian models have.


Anyway, enough ranting from me. Here's my question:

If I took a Terminator-Armoured Librarian with Force Weapon/Storm Shield, with the Gate of Infinity power, what unit would benefit the most from it?

I'm thinking Either of the Terminator units could, but I'm leaning more towards the Assault variety, due to also having Storm Shields.


Your thoughts?




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Suicidal lone Vortex Librarian? Relentless = Vortex on the move.


Ablative 3++ on a shooty team? At least you get an I5 (or faster with Quickening) attacker to go ahead of the PFists...


If you're going to make a TDA HQ to run with Assault Terminators, it should be a Chaplain, IMO. Of course, I guess you could Vortex with a couple THammer/Storm Shield guys next to your Librarian since it's less easy to blow them up...

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If you want to assault then dont take GOI, take null zone and Might of the Ancients. Then have them shoot and charge. All saves capable of surviving the S6 power weapon and the power fists has to re roll.


I dont personally like the Storm Shield Librarian however I can see some merit in giving him the 5+ Invulnerable power and one of the assault based powers then adding him to a Land Raider deploying Vanguard squad. Makes them that much more survivable and gives him a unit to completely wipe the floor with most MEQ and TEQ. Makes for a very expensive enterprise though



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