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'Firedrakes' WiP

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Hey guys, it's been some time since i last made an update on these guys...let alone post anything. Been busy with a move or two, work, etc..The usual 'real life' stuff that needs to muscle its way into our little hobby.

So anyways, i was sittin here tonight, bored out of my tree..when suddenly it struck!


I had bumped my desk and was viciously attacked by an old school metal terminator as it landed on my head... :D


But that got me thinking onto this project of mine. So i hauled them out of their holding place, plugged in The Dark Knight, and set to work. This is what ive gotten so far on the 'commander' of the four terminators that will follow my actual army Commander.

Excuse the bigger pic sizes, im still working on my model photography skills (if you take my pics as big that is)








As you can see he's only blu-tac'd in place, but thats basicly how the pose will look once i start to add the green stuff so the arms will actually look like that. His one hand thats sticking out, will actually have a finger added to it so it looks like hes pointing towards his enemy.

Im still thinking it needs more...'firedrake'ing...but im not sure what else to do at this point in time.


So lemme now what you think..

C&C is always welcome.

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using the gun nozzle as a hammerhead is a stroke of GENIOUS! :D


only minor nitpick would be that I think the hammer would look better if the hammer face was parallel to the angle of the shaft.


Im looking forward to see how this great conversion pans out.



- T14

i must admit that i did not realise it was a hammer at first glance. thought it may have been a force staff or something. have you tried it around the other way as my fellow fraters have suggested?


the rest of the mode looks great :woot: (and the hammer things could just be the fact that i am easily confused :lol: )


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