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Captain box load-out

Shadowstalker Grim

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Okay i gave my captain a sword and Storm bolter, never really knowing if it was the best choice, but ive been wondering if i made a mistake in terms of equipment :blink:


Was going to run it with:


Relic Blade

Storm Bolter

Artificer armour

Digital weapons


158 points



Okay well ive always wondered if the storm bolter was a good idea, so im wondering if i should re-equip him or at least relabel what hes equipped with. So really im wondering if i should do one of 4 things:


1 - Remove the Storm Bolter hand and give him a combi melta

2 - Keep the Storm Bolter and label it an Auxilary grenade launcher

3 - Keep the Storm Bolter as it is

4- Take some other piece of wargear (either in place of Storm bolter, or in addition to)


Your advice would me much appreciated :D

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Storm bolters, unless it's a squad of them, are not very impressive to me. I would go with a bolter with hellfire rounds, or a combi-something with them, but I'm pretty new myself and have an awful track record.


Artificer armor and relic blades are amazing though, I do know that, especially the artificer armor.

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Depends what you want to do with the Captain. What you have as it stands is a high quality Infantry Assault Captain. Put him with a Squad of Vanguard and a Chaplain (in large games) or a Command Squad fitted for CC (small games), and take some form of Transport (preferably a Land Raider), and it's all good.


The Storm Bolter is an excellent choice for a CC Captain, because it is capable of firing on the Assault, which the Bolter/Hellfire Combo isn't.


TL;DR - your Captain is fine as is.

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Well i do want him in assault swinging his big old relic blade, i dont see much point in a captain sitting on the backline shooting unless he has to...


Is there any reason it couldn't be a Relic Blade and Storm Bolter? No +1 attack but you have some extra shooting @ 24". And no change to the actual model.

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i just hear from people that other weapons are better and that the storm bolter usually performs mundanely and a better choice could have been made, i wouldnt mind switching i just wanted some information from the pros about what would be a better loadout. of course if the storm bolter is a good choice for a melee captain then i guess i'll sit tight with that :D
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The Storm Bolter is better than a Bolter+Hellfire for a melee Captain simply because you can fire it on the charge.


Is there any reason it couldn't be a Relic Blade and Storm Bolter? No +1 attack but you have some extra shooting @ 24". And no change to the actual model.


Relic Blade = No additional CCW attack regardless.


If your Captain has a Relic Blade, the question is not whether to replace the Bolt Pistol, but what to replace it with.


The main issue with the Storm Bolter is that it's 3 points, while the rest of the SM codex has everything costing multiples of 5. Very annoying ;)

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Depends what you want to do with the captain. I'd definitely advise you to go relic blade instead of power sword. Relic blade's high strength is a huge thing, especially since the captain has I5.


Personally, I'm not a big fan of using a footslogging generic captain. If you want a footslogging HQ, you're better off taking a special character. IMHO, the bike captain is the best version of the generic captain, because he allows you to take bike squads as troops while being considerably cheaper and killier then bike-riding Khan.

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Ive been toying with throwing him in a razorback with a CC oriented command squad, something along the lines of Champion, banner, flamer and powerfist support.


Well either that or 5 terminators with a heavy flamer, if i were to do that though i would rather load them in a land raider though, unless its better to have a captain and terminators strolling around on foot than to have a CC command squad in a razorback.


Or as you said take a special character.


Id just rather have a list where i make full use of this captain :D

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Your Captain doesn't need any ranged firepower, he belongs in close-combat. As such, a storm shield would be a better combination (although it's 5x the cost of the storm bolter), as the relic blade is two-handed anyway.


Tack on artificer and a bike and you've got a pretty killy assault character that can live through enemy powerfists/MC's and cut them to death with a S6 power weapon. 2+/3+, and a 3+ cover save when turbo-boosting, plus you are T5.

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Good call Reclusiarch, but the extra toughness from being on a bike doesn't count towards instant death. So Str 8 will still be an instagib. But as you said the Storm Shield will mitigate that to some extent.
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I have my Captain on a Bike so that the issue with charging while shooting a rapid firing weapon is solved, making hellfire rounds a good choice for MC hunting.


Space Marine Captian with Bike (twin-linked boltguns), Hellfire rounds and Relicblade 175pts


I cut up an old tomato paste tube, stuck it to the back of my captain's back and painted it over to make a pretty decent cape that smells like pizza hmmmm.

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Considering that he already has an Iron Halo, the 15 points for the Storm Shield is very expensive for the effect you get. In the long term I think I prefer the Storm Bolter, just for the Assault Firepower.
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Well considering i already have the model made and assembled (see my avatar) I doubt he'll be getting an upgrade to biker, although i do understand the pros of being a biker are quite high.


I want to use him as a CC unit and i'll admit a jump pack or bike would help there, but im not giving him one just out of preference, hence why he'll get a transport and an accompanying squad, i just want to know what would be best accompanying him.


Still thanks for the advice you have all provided :)

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Well considering i already have the model made and assembled (see my avatar) I doubt he'll be getting an upgrade to biker, although i do understand the pros of being a biker are quite high.


I want to use him as a CC unit and i'll admit a jump pack or bike would help there, but im not giving him one just out of preference, hence why he'll get a transport and an accompanying squad, i just want to know what would be best accompanying him.


Still thanks for the advice you have all provided :D




put him in a Land Raider with 10 Vanguard and a Chaplain (preferably a counts-as Cassius) - for BIG games




With a Command Squad in a Razorback.


There are threads aplenty about the setups for those Squads.

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