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Scenario specific units that shine.


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Pure tactics discussion (I hope).


After fiddling with various units for annihilation and dawn of war, making them 20 strong for my chaos force, the last tests where I actually got a annihilation using 2 units of 20 sonic blaster marines it went fairly smooth. Having fewer unit points to lose allows me to force the enemy to try and annihilate all my units after I wipe just a few of his. Dawn of war, you can imagine the implications of facing 40 marines and a prince from turn 1 half way across the table. Other times when one unit can extend far enough for a sieze mission.


Then the question arises, which troop units spark more of a affinity with the standard 9 possible scenarios we can play from the rulebook? Infiltrate has a wonderful advantage, scout as well, while large units give good quantity to bog down the enemy early in the game in certain fights and even considering cityfight some units shine better then others. Making the list 18 possible mission types giving cityfight 50/50 chance like a 4+ roll/junglefight as well.


In this edition units are not completely about its offence ability compared to its points cost, certain abilities make them game changers given the right circumstances. Having 20 per troop on my end gives me an advantage I never thought about before, while I may be better off in some situations with smaller units giving me more special weapons. I was shocked when NM's ate up 7 genestealers when 10 charged 20 sonic marines.


Then considering the unit splitting ability loyalists get, knowing when to split certain units, keeping them whole for a purpose, which scenarios do you opt to split into combat squads? Which units do you prefer, bikes as troops and boost in to contest an objective after spitting bolter shots the entire game? How about the usefulness of a small scout unit of 5 with outflank forcing in to slap a vehicle's rear with a lone meltabomb+kraks?


Lots to consider, plenty of it game altering and very fun to use. What do you use that have more then standard use then rush to the enemy and shoot? Anything more to the unit then that? Add your thoughts. =)

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Combat Squadding is mostly for small, non-KP games, where you need extra scoring/contesting units. Especially for games with 5 objectives.


Having very few large units means that you have very poor manoeuverability. I would exploit that as far as possible. Your firepower is also too focused, so I would adopt a tactic of drawing fire with small, threatening units.


Also, this thread should be in Tactica.

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My failure in putting this in the proper spot, easy for me to miss this section at the bottom of the forum list. =P


Large units take melee well when they are repared for it. I have taken down dreads and the like by taking their charge using too many krak grenades for the occasion. Makes me wonder if I should buy powerfists for dreads when I stack 20 in a unit.

Yeah big units vs splitfire is bad, but still works well in a melee oriented unit.

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