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Assault Marines

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I really do love the posing for the assault marines. They're so dynamic. Kinda wish the normal troops were this intense.






To tell the truth cleaning off mold lines is my least favorite part of the hobby. I love posing them, painting them, and playing with them. There's just something about the daunting task of cleaning off every little imperfection that really gets me. What's the quickest but best way to do it? I've been using an X-Acto knife but I've heard of people using files. What kind of files?


Anyways I'd love to see some of your assault squads as well!

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Needle files! I bought a set from Hobby Lobby, I think the brand was Excel, which includes about six different files. The round one in that set is the perfect size for opening up the exhaust vents on jump packs. As for removing mold lines, filing is definitely the best method for me. Using a knife can pare away part of the model, leaving a little carved spot that'll show even after paint. With the files, it's blended away.


And I'll try to post my assault squad, in its current sorry state, when I get back to the house tonight. ^_^

Nice poses :-)


I really want to use the Assault Marine legs on a Tactical Squad to represent them charging down the enemy. Problem is, they always seem to be out of stock on bits websites. Converting normal marine legs to running legs is fun, and not too difficult.


To tell the truth cleaning off mold lines is my least favorite part of the hobby. I love posing them, painting them, and playing with them. There's just something about the daunting task of cleaning off every little imperfection that really gets me. What's the quickest but best way to do it? I've been using an X-Acto knife but I've heard of people using files. What kind of files?


You can use files, but it would probably be a good idea to have one for getting the worst of the flash and a finer one (or even very fine sandpaper) for finishing it off as a rougher file can leave little scratches on the miniature. To be honest, I have files and a knife and I use the knife almost all the time. If my knife won't get in a little gap, I might use a small file. But that's just me.

You could use a jeweller's file. Or any fine file.


I do use a hobby knife, though. Its easier to control than a file, and you can get into the tiny grooves of a model easier. You could try sand paper, if you wanted. Fine grit sandpaper, like 600 or something, would be fine enough on the plastic to not damage it, but strong enough to smooth out ridges.

I use diamond coated needle files that I bought from Harbor Freight. A set of 10 cost me less than 10 dollars. This was my second set. The first set lasted me 10 years, and it was the fact that I lost too many of the files that made me replace them, not that they had worn out at all. On the plastics, one pass with the diamond coated files takes the mold line off cleanly. Even if the file leaves a scratch mark or two, a quick brush of liquid cement melts and seals the surface.
I really do love the posing for the assault marines. They're so dynamic. Kinda wish the normal troops were this intense.






To tell the truth cleaning off mold lines is my least favorite part of the hobby. I love posing them, painting them, and playing with them. There's just something about the daunting task of cleaning off every little imperfection that really gets me. What's the quickest but best way to do it? I've been using an X-Acto knife but I've heard of people using files. What kind of files?


Anyways I'd love to see some of your assault squads as well!


I've got an idea, instead of taking expensive vanguard, take a mixture of backpackless assault marines and a couple other vangaurds.

I've been using an X-Acto knife but I've heard of people using files.

I have found that a thicker blade, like a pocket knife (I used the short blade on my Swiss Army Knife) works better for scraping the flash off. The less the blade bends the more precision I get.

Here's a couple of my WIP squads:



From my own thread, but relevant to this discussion -




and this fellah, as it always struck me as odd to have a flamer with the fuel tank on the fornt, when your job is to charge the enemy :)




and yes, the JP still fits comfortably <_<


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