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¡A Moment of Laxity Spawns a Lifetime of Heresy!


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Heya and welcome to my Deathwing Log. I've become tired of my Orks and decided to go with a much more organized army. Particularly the Imperium. Particularly the Space Marine. Particularly the Dark Angels. Particularly the Deathwing. Never forget, never forgive!


Belial- 130 Points

-Sword of Silence/Storm Bolter


Libarian- 145 Points


5 Terminators- 290 Points

-Power Fists/Storm Bolters

-Cyclone Missile Launcher


-Deathwing Banner


5 Terminators- 235

-Power Fists/Storm Bolters

-Cyclone Missile Launcher


5 Terminators- 235

-Power Fists/Storm Bolters

-Cyclone Missile Launcher


5 Terminators- 235

-Power Fists/Storm Bolters

-Cyclone Missile Launcher


Deathstorm Drop Pod- 95 Points

-Assault Cannon


Deathstorm Drop Pod- 75 Points

-Whirlwind Missile Launcher


Deathstorm Drop Pod- 75 Points

-Whirlwind Missile Launcher


1515 Points



Green: Completed

Blue: Paint In Progress

Purple: Conversion In Progress

Orange: Assembling...

Red: Not Started



Terminator Squad 1

Terminator Squad 2

Terminator Squad 3

Terminator Squad 4

Deathstorm #1

Deathstorm #2

Deathstorm #3




The entire force ,as it stands, at the moment. Thats a Count-As Baliel and two squads of Terminators. When this army is completed, there will be Baliel, a Libaraian, four squads of Terminators, and three Deathstorm Drop Pods.




First Squad led by Sergeant Amadeus.




Second Squad led by Sergeant Dionysus.




This is the test mini. Instead of opting for a DYI army, I decided to stick with the Deathwing- whats not to like about the color of Bone? The paint formula is...


  • Basecoat Black
  • Iyanden Darksun
  • Bleached Bone
  • Skull White
  • Highlight of Skull White
  • Wash of Gryphonne Sepia




Close up of the leg freehand. The one designates that he his part of the first squad. All of the infantry will have this (1,2,3,4 according to the squad number) painted on them.




This is Sergeant Amadeus. If all goes according to plan, he will be my entry into the Youngbloods Contest over at Tau Online. A couple things you should note. I tried to model his base to look as though he is leading the charge into a trench filled with Orks. You can see some weapons up through the trench as the Greenskins vainly attempt to stop his charge. GS'd sandbags will be added to this eventually. Secondly, his armpits are the first time I tried this effect with Greenstuff. I personally think it looks great. Your thoughts?




The back of Amadeus. You can see that he carries a book on his back. This also serves to designate him as the leader of the squad. And I wanted to try it, also.


Thats all for now. Tell me what you think!




A teaser shot for y'all!





Ah sweet. Another Deathwing army user. I myself have a nice 2000pt Deathwing force sitting on my shelf (unpainted though >_>)

Ill take a picture of it to show you later.


But i like what you've got so far. Keep it up.

Though the Sergeant's pose looks alittle, off-key to me...almost as if he's trying to fly. The ribbing between joints though looks good. Not bad.

cc on Amadeus,


the green stuff is fine. Its exact and will look good when painted.


The Arm posing is absolutely impossible unless Amadeus has additional upper arm bones.

Cut of the Shoulder guards then pose the rest of the arms. 2 mm above the axel is the pivot point of the arms.


Hope that helps



What he said- great work with the GS, but the pose is iffy. Given the big shoulder armor butting up against the square "hunchback" of the armor, it seems likely that terminators simply can not raise their arms like that. And truth told, though dramatic, I don't think a skilled fighter would use that position while leading a charge; his garud is wide open and his weapons are not in position to strike.


That said, if you just go an d paint it up, it'll probably look cool enough that such minor issues of "realism" (like many others in 40K) won't mater.


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