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[Artwork] Sanguinius


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The second I saw this picture I was in awe and I made it my wallpaper and told my friend about it. How much would a painting like this cost I might have some work for you Colrouphopic.

I believe I answered this through PM, let me know if I didn't.


Wulfcry, Kickme, drakuur- Cheers guys :)

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Some people asked for higher resolution version, and I found a way to do that, though at a cost of some details.

It can be found in my CGportfolio on CGsociety Link -> http://studiocolrouphobia.cgsociety.org/gallery/


Unfortunately I'm not allowed to link to it directly, but the link goes direct to the image. (and if I manage to upload some new art before you see it, here is the REAL direct-link: http://features.cgsociety.org/newgallerycr...65755_large.jpg )


Some of the colours aren't as bright in this larger version though. and it is still not in the absolute full size of the final render, but alot closer in any case.

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i've been on this board for some time now, and people tend to overuse the Jawdropping-Smiley, but this is the very first thing that actually, physically left me with my mouth gaping for at least a minute. Just simply great, and completely in line with what 40k is about for me. A heroic giant in the midst of the enemy, standing tall with weapons and armor gleaming.


Great work.

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hhmmmm I was thinking of a pic with him standing there with his long blode hair blowing in the wind B)

But this painting actualy makes him look like the warrior he is meant to be!

Just stunning is all I can say! ;)

Thank you.


Wow ;) just wow :tu: it looks amazing even more so with the helmet i love it :wub:




i've been on this board for some time now, and people tend to overuse the Jawdropping-Smiley, but this is the very first thing that actually, physically left me with my mouth gaping for at least a minute. Just simply great, and completely in line with what 40k is about for me. A heroic giant in the midst of the enemy, standing tall with weapons and armor gleaming.


Great work.

Thank you!


Stunning picture, makes me wanna paint a red space marine army!

Thank you and you should. Red is a really cool colour to paint in in general!

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Stunning, amazing, awesome, I like it a lot. Well portrayed, nice he has a helmet instead of being bare-headed like in every pic I've seen :P

There's not much complaining about, though with little more depth & detail that could have been 'perfect' :)

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This image is everything that makes the Warhammer 40,000 (30,000?) Universe so enthralling.


You have a terrific talent.

Thank you :)


Stunning, amazing, awesome, I like it a lot. Well portrayed, nice he has a helmet instead of being bare-headed like in every pic I've seen :P

There's not much complaining about, though with little more depth & detail that could have been 'perfect' :)

Noted and remembered, Thank you.

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