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A Few More Salamanders

Michael W

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A few pictures of my thus-far-mostly-finished Salamander models. The army is far from complete, and none of it is based yet - as I am feeling very indecisive on how I am going to end up doing their bases at all! It was intended to be Armageddon, but sand doesn't appeal much with the way they're looking. I did fire/lava on a different army and don't really want to repeat that, either. Eh well, we shall see. Feel free to toss out a few ideas.


First up, Captain T'sen of the 4th Company, bearing Forgebane, his dreaded Thunderhammer.



Next, Apothecary Deumos, also of 4th Company. You'll notice he's toting a Tommy Gun-style bolter; I have about another fifty of them, and intend to sport all of 4th Company with such weapons. After all, if the Sallies favor close-quarters firefights, what better weapon than a Tommy Gun?



The Company's Armourer, Brother Hel'brin...



Along those lines, here's 3rd Company's Armourer, Brother Caphaius. He (and any other 3rd Company models in my army) are sporting the Badab War camouflage scheme. The foul plan is to one day have an entire army from 3rd Company, in that paint scheme, which I will then slap down on the table and challenge my opponent to either surrender or have to spend the entire battle staring at the atrocity before him...but I digress.



And, as long as we're covering Techmarines, here's Brother Niketas, reporting in from the Armoury.



No marine force would be complete without its spiritual leadership, here present in one of 1st Company's Chaplains, Basilicus.



And of course a sturdy Librarian to bolster the ranks - in this case, Epistolary Volkanus. My intention is that Codicers will follow the right-arm-and-helmet-in-blue scheme, while Lexicanums will have only the right arm in blue, and Epistolaries will have the armour in blue with a green left arm and helmet. This should make identification on the field clear and simple.



Now, onto the troops! First up, Brother-Sergeant Klabarnos and his Terminator Squad, kitted for close-quarters engagements.



Next, most of 4th Company's own Squad Andarun. One member is MIA...out for repairs...but the other nine are present. Further Tac squads for the army will be in the same scheme (excepting elements from other companies, such as 3rd).



And finally, Scout Squad Ka'brel, on loan from 7th Company. No, I do not try to claim those as Camo Cloaks.



More to come as finished, but for now, I just had to show these guys off. My refusal to put them on the table until I have an entire army fully painted keeps them sad and frustrated on the shelf...for now...

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<_< really sweet man. i might have to nick your rank/colour idea for my sallys! very impressive though. only gripe is that the flames seem a little too cartoony, just seem a lil too rounded at the tips, if that makes any sense.
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nice models

although i don't like GW saying there skin is black as night

i just have it a very dark brown (it seems more realistic to me)


anyway nice painting i myself are doing Salamanders (but not doing detailed like you i am speed painting so i can start my Orks)

keep up the work

but just one note when are you going to field Lexicanums? they arn't in the codex :D


anyway nive work <_<


Athiair :D

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GvOzD, first, here's a close-up of one member of the Tactical Squad and his bolter. The gun is from the old Scout Biker boxed set - it came with a Shotgun, Grenade Launcher, and Bolter, so I just bitz-ordered the Bolters. Three years ago. And started using them last year...I guess I've had this idea for a while.



Next up, the formerly absent first half of Assault Squad Alloces, hailing from 3rd Company. Cover your eyes if you value them.



The remainder of the Squad has yet to even be purchased. The backpacks are magnetized, so that I can trade them for standard packs and use the Rhino instead (which seems much more Sally-style to me). Once I get the Tactical Squads that I have assembled finished, the rest of this squad - and its ride - goes to the top of the priority list. In the meantime, here's a close-up of the Flamer-toting Assault Marine.



Third Company's color scheme is, as I stated above, swiped from the old Badab War camouflage scheme, with plenty of my own additions - the flames on the greaves and the crimson masks, bolters, and vents foremost among them. Though it looks like Sunburst or Bad Moon Yellow in the pictures, it's really only up to Golden Yellow (from Bestial Brown).


Anyway, that's all for now; one more Terminator Squad and a Rhino are nearly-finished on the shelf, and if I get to doing Chapter logos, then I'll post them here as well. Any thoughts or comments are more than welcome.

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