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Call of the Ultramarines

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I have pledged to finish 4 units for my Ultramarine Tryrannic war Veterans / 1st Company.

First Up will be my Five-man Vet squad with company champion, Apoth, Standard Bearer, Vet with Flamer and Vet (Techmarine) with powerfist.

This will be followed by a 6 Man scout sniper team with ML.

Then My 9-man Tyrannic War veterans (Sternguard).

Finally will be my Land Raider Redeemer.


Pics will follow soon as i plan to start my company champion and Apoth tonight.


Here is my GD Captain to give you an idea where im heading:


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Yeah ive tried to go for a slightly darker tone as the army is led by Cassius and i think it is more fitting of his character.


Company Champion and Apoth finished (bases will be done when the unit is finished)



Started Work on the Standard Bearer, here is also the 'Techmarine' and Flamer Vet



Hopefully some more updates tommorow / Tonight

Well seeing as ive a few days to kill before the Call, here are the marines i have finished and which there delayed Battle-brothers will be joining.


Venerable Dread



Black Reach Captain



Terminator Squad



Sternguad and Cassius's Rhino (WIP)



@Raziel: Thanks, i was desperate for a part to cover the join with the terminator carapace and with a little bending the warrior head was a nice fit.


In regards to my command squad, i want to paint the molded plastic banner as the first company standard, does anyone have any nice hints/tips to get a nice free-hand banner done.

Advice would be much appreciated.

Update : Finished Command Squad.


Here is my Apoth, Standard bearer (Will be painted as the fisrt company banner when my pledge/army is finished), Vet with flamer, Techmarine with PF and company champ.



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