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Tabletop standard Thousand Sons army


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So, after volunteering to paint a few peoples models for free so I could get a portfolio together, I was approached by a member of a Warhammer club I attend to paint their new Thousand Sons army to a tabletop standard. I gladly accepted and started work on said army.


I believe the final count is 1750pts, which consists of:


27 Thousand Sons split into 3 squads of 9

9 Possessed

9 Lesser Daemons

3 Obliterators

Daemon Prince (LOC)

A spawn or 2.



I've built, based and undercoated everything that has been given to me (which is everything bar 1 Oblit, the possessed, spawn and 1 squad) and basecoated 8 of the regular TS's. I've (basically) finished the lesser daemons, which are to be represented by Bloodletters. These, we decided, were going to be yellow to stand out from the marines, but also to tie in with the yellow in the scheme.


After deciding this, we chose to paint all daemonic areas yellow, such as the mutated flesh on the oblits and possessed, and the entire spawn once I get given it.


So far I've finished 1 squad of TS's minus the Sorceror (all 3 of which will be painted at the same time), a LOC and 10 Lesser Daemons (bases need grass still).


Anyway, enough waffling, this will get updated as I finish models, which will mean a lot of updates next week as I'm off college.


Here are pictures:










Cheers, Chris.


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