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Dragon Knight Chronicles: Draco's Last Stand

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This story has been in preparation for a month. It's also my first Dragon Knights story.


The Dragon Knight Chronicles: Draco's Last Stand

Draco, the greatest warrior of the Dragon Knights, the first one of them, sat on his Ceramite throne, watching the soldiers walking through the fortress.

"My Lord. The scouts are here," reported Honored Brother Achilles.

"Send them in," replied Draco.

Achilles went to the door and opened it. The scouts walked through.

"My Lord. There are Orks over Dragon-Spine Ridge. We don't know how they got here, but they seem to be coming this way," said the lead scout, Hercules.

There was suddenly a huge explosion. A voice cried, "We're under attack! Arm yourselves!"


Seconds later, the whole chapter, excluding those on "Dragon Crusades", was standing in front of the Fortress Monastery, waiting for the Orks. They didn't have to wait for long. The wall crashed down, narrowly missing the heads of a scout squad.

"Right you darn humies! You're goin' down!" roared the Ork Warboss.

"Wrong you stupid Ork! You are the ones who will die!" retorted Draco.

"WAAAGH!" roared the Orks, charging at the Space Marines.

Guns fired on both sides. Orks and Marines fell. Draco had never faced Orks this ferocious. Especially not in the boundaries of the Fortress Monastery.

"My Lord! We could use some assistance here! cried Achilles. Suddenly an Ork came and grabbed Achilles' head.

"No!" cried Draco.

"Mwa-ha-ha!" laughed the Ork, smashing Achilles' head onto a piece of broken wall.

Draco ran at the Ork, but was stopped by the Ork Warboss' Power-Claw.

"Humie scum. You are going to die!" snarled the Warboss, throwing Draco at a wall.

"Not...So...Fast," groaned Draco punching the Warboss with one of the Powerfists on Draco's hands. The Ork stumbled, and then struck Draco again, this time in the chest. Draco fell to his knees, and then fired a few bolter rounds from the bolters attached to his powerfists.

"I hate humies!" groaned the Ork, "You thinks you'se so clevers," Draco prepared to smash his fists into the Warboss' face, but then felt a sharp pain in his stomach. He looked down to see the Warboss' claw in his stomach. It pulled out, pulling intestines with it. Draco collapsed. An apothecary came and tried to heal Draco. The whole army ran to the Chapter Master. Chief Chaplain Caesar Castell stared at the laughing Ork Warboss.

"Shut up!" roared Caesar, smashing the Ork's face. "I've had it!" Caesar ran through the enemy army, smashing every Ork as if it was a thin twig beneath his feet.


Inside the Fortress Monastery, Draco's son, Arminus Setrus, watched the carnage.

"Father. No!" he cried. "One day, every Ork will die for what they've done to me. They've killed my father, the greatest man on this world. I hate them! The Emperor hates them! We all hate them!"





Yes. Draco had a son.

Look forward to the second story. The Dragon Knights Chronicles: A Pilgrimage to Wyrm Tower

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