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Land Speeder Storm

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Of COURSE! Sheesh, with all this studying going on, my head just is not in the game :P :D I will model them WITH the bolters on, this time :P


Nursing is a tough but noble thing to do. Oddly, I know ... 5 (6?) nurses, some old some young. The old ones say nursing has changed a lot - used to be "easier" (as in, nurses used to have more government support and less patients). It is also WAY harder to get into now, compared to back then. Good on you, though. Here in Canada, nurses are setup to get some good loving soon (or so they say).


I guess the nursing ethics courses are more like .. bioethics? Death and dying sorts of stuff. I focus more on .. what is good, is there a good, is morality real.


Anyway, thanks for the comments! I will try to repay you with more pictures! Soon!

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Nursing has gotten alot harder both in terms of training (both clinical and tertiary education) and also in terms of work load (duty of care). But if I get into paediatrics then I will be happy, if not then surgery seems like it will be fun. And yes nursing (like most health care professions) focuses on bioeithics; both the exotic issues like assisted suicide as well as day to day issues such as dealing with other cultures.


But onto the hobby side of it, hope the purity seal work out for you and that the study doesnt delay your posting too much. btw I dont think you have said what chapter these guys are.



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Oh they're my own chapter, the Heralds of Vengeance. The fluff is not quite 100% worked out, as I wrote some up awhile ago, but looking back it seemed pretty hackneyed and unoriginal.


Anyway, I dig the colour scheme (Ultramarines Blue armour, with Golden Yellow chest armour and Shining Gold helmets and shoulder pad trim) so I am painting them up as Heralds. Makes them more my own than straight Smurfs.

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hey Gothard, good work!


speeder looks well done, excellent idea to magnetize weapons. like the new heads on the scouts, although does make them look like when scouts are a Elites choice, vet marines etc!


your colour scheme sounds interesting, looking forward to seeing it on some mini's! i'm assuming they're Ultra successors? will they be codex i.e. white/red heads for vets/sgts, etc?





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There's the first 4 scouts based and ready for priming (will likely take place tomorrow if the weather is good). I primed the lower half of the speeder today, so tomorrow, if my studying goes well, I should be able to get the first layer of foundation blue paint on her. Gosh, primed scouts and a first coat Land Speeder would certainly constitute my first official COI3 update, wouldn't it?


Premature "YAY"ing is in order, I think.



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Russ, what russ? =O


Yeah. Those are tiny little defilers. I was trying to get 3+ defilers from 2 kits. I got 2 minis going with 4 legs, but I did not like the look of the ones using the larger arms. I'm not sure about how I finished the back, so since the 3rd attempts failed, I might add use those larger arms as tails for the smaller ones, and put the reaper autocannons on the tails. But I hardly have time for that stuff anymore. Its just fun to play around with models - been doing it since I was a wee little guy.


Here's some pictures of the most finished one. The face and the rear have some non-defiler parts used.


@ studying: I actually just got some marks back that I had been waiting on; all three were A's (with one a+), so a lot of my exam stress has just melted away :unsure: But .. it also provided more incentive to study harder ^_^ So I guess its kinda a wash.


Anyway, good luck with your studying too!

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Those little defilers look rather nice (I'm sure some Iron Warrior players would like the look of them running around with their troops). Congratulations for the results. Sounds like your study paid off nicely. Hope those results were an incentive for you to do some painting lolz. I have a week off so I am going to use it to catch up on readings that I missed when sick. Also plan on getting further work done on my miniatures.



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Well, okay.


Here's some made with extruded pink polystyrene insulation. There's the one you've seen, back and front and sides, and there's a broken wall, and then a more decorative arch set that is meant to be a facade for a larger building that I have not yet built.


Link here!


Then there's some made with foamboard a year or three ago. I dont like that stuff because its not in scale and its too "small" so models get lost from human LOS and forgotten.


Link here!


I plan on painting the pink stuff after my exams. I just have to dig my airbrush out of the closet and get some of the right "urban" coloured paints.

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Well, this thread is now officially a PIP thread for my Call of the Imperium MKIII pledge.


I have the basecoat yellow and the test camo done on the first scout:



I know the lighting is really bad, but at least its something. Camo is Atronomicon grey basecoat, then Badab Black wash to give it depth. Then I did Skull White, Chaos Black and Foundation Blue splotches, starting large, then getting smaller, then just dots, alternating the colours around. Yellow is 3 VERY watery and very light coats of Iyanden, followed by 2 VERY watery and light coats of Golden Yellow, followed by 1 coat yellow ink. No highlights yet - not until I paint the details on it.


What do you think?

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Some amazing work on that speeder, gotta love it.. As for the PA its your choice, what you want to do is fine, mainly becuase the actual model hasnt arrived yet :P




This is the official GW prototype and it doesnt have pilots as yet, so anything goes.. although the lower BS does suggest scouts, it doesnt state what armour they wear..

After all the fluff states when scouts start training with bikes they are at the end of thier training (see codex under scout bikers): they answer only to the company captain, perhaps storm pilots are the next step before going to a reserve company...who knows. the absence of any 'real' fluff kind of helps us here in putting our own spin on things.


On that note of anger, why would I take shotguns on my scouts? If I shoot pistols and shoot then charge, I one shot at Str4 Ap5, and charge in for 3 attacks at Str3. If I shoot shotguns and charge, I get 2 shots at Str3 Ap-, and charge for 2 attacks at Str3. Both get the same number of attacks, but the pistols have a stronger attack. If you are going to charge anyway, the pistols are the better option. If you`re not going to charge ... :cuss are you doing with those shotguns at 12" from the enemy?!


Right ill start with the first question, why take shotties?

Basically as you said there is little difference between shooties and ccw for shoot then assault, however when you are dealing with enemies with an equal or higher intiative the more you can kill with shooting means less attacks back in assault, of course with lower initiative it doesnt matter as you will be hitting first.

Also when in a storm the best weapons to use are shotties and bolguns, you cant use heavy weapons as they cannot fire when it moved and pistols get half the shots of its counterparts.

So shotties vs bolters, both the same number of shots but bolters get the nod with a better AP value.

However if you add in the ability to jump out, shoot and charge the shotties have the edge over bolters, just for flexibility...

At the end of the day its all about personal preference, you can put snipers in an LSS, aslong as it doesnt move, but LSS make good sweeper units and you need to keep them flexible.



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@ Messanger: What, the scouts or the ruins? Well, I managed to finish the first scout, sans arms, last night. Except I'm not sure about his face - I did a Braveheart-style black-combat-face-paint thing, as if I had "dipped my fingers in paint and dragged my hand diagonally across my face" thing. So I dont know, I may have to repaint the face. Anyway, I am going to start the second marine today - could probably finish him because my studying is going so darned well. Well, finish him sans bras anyway. I have not yet decided whether to go with blue shoulder pads, or gold (but I think blue will be better), and again how to paint their weapons. Probably black guns and blades, as they would be black in real life anyway. I also haven't decided over BP/CCW or Shotguns yet (the shotguns will probably win, I think). So, I will probably be done the scouts by the end of next weekend (then I'll have to figure out how to paint their bases - I'm so stumped on that one). Then I can start on the Storm. I think if I get those finished I will probably start work on a Librarian on a Bike to round out an HQ.


ps - What exactly are you studying? I know nursing, but what does that involve? What readings do you do?


@ GC08: Thanks! I'm actually not sold on the PA drivers - but changing it means that I'll either have to chop up some old metal scouts, or BWBITS order some scout torsos and arms. Neither of those options is really great, ya know what I mean? Especially since I already have two perfectly workable SM drivers. It does not really make sense to me that the Storm would be piloted by actual Scouts. I mean, sure, its a reconnaissance vehicle, but it only transports scouts; the passengers aren't the drivers. Plus, even scout squads are accompanied by a Scout sergeant, with a full marine statline. If SMs dont even trust scouts to watch over themselves why are they trusting them to watch over a Land Speeder? It does not make any sense at all.


On that note, are real-life army/navy helicopter pilots trained the same as their passengers? I'm not sure, but I dont think so. Anyway, fluff and statline be damned, I'm sticking with SMs. Maybe I'll magnetize them just in case.


Yeah, I figured out the Shotgun v. Pistol thing with help from another poster. I did not know that the shotguns were Str 4. Knowing that, there's no way I would ever give Scouts BP/CCWs over Shotguns or Bolters. And, given the role that I want scouts to play in my army (fast, flexible), there's no way I would ever give them Bolters over Shotguns. So, since then, I have taken apart my boltgun arms and am in the process of switching them over to a Shotgun setup.


Anyway, thanks for the ongoing support guys. I will reward you with more pictures soon :o

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On that note, are real-life army/navy helicopter pilots trained the same as their passengers? I'm not sure, but I dont think so. Anyway, fluff and statline be damned, I'm sticking with SMs. Maybe I'll magnetize them just in case.


Yeah this makes a lot of sense, i doubt very much they would be normal squads, but i do believe they would have been from the 10th company, that being said, your theory of using scout sergeants/veterans is completely viable and matches with my own theories



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What, the scouts or the ruins?

When the scouts would be finished, but you answered that question in your post anyway. The brave heart look might work, maybe go with a lighter colour to tie it in with the camouflage on the legs. And I suggest go with the blue shoulder pad as the gold and yellow torso wouldn't work so well. As for the weapons it is really personal preferences, my guys have metal weapons with some of them getting gold on the weapon casing. Maybe an almost black metal would work.


What exactly are you studying? I know nursing, but what does that involve? What readings do you do?

It isn't as easy as many people would think. In Australia it is 3 years with 4 courses in each semester so in total 24 courses (with one being an elective, with the other 23 being compulsory). One course is always about human physiology and anatomy, so looking at all of the systems and their structure and functions. Then their is ethic/culture courses which look at things like bioethics, being culturally competent and duty of care as nurses. Then there is nursing and the law which looks at nursing from a legal point of view (this one ties in with ethics alot). There is also clinical placement course, which involves lectures/tutorials, working in labs as well as working in a clinical environment such as hospitals. This course is basically attempting to bridge the gap between university and actually working as a health care professional. The readings can get pretty intense (thought some are heaps boring and pointless) and nursing text books are expensive as I have already spent 700 or so Australian dollars for first semester. Plus things like a criminal record check and all the vaccinations brings the cost over 1000 AUD. So yeah lolz.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Just to prove that I am going to finish this pledge (and not burn out), here's an update:




Got the next three scouts base coated and, guess what? I FINISHED MY EXAMS!!!! buuuut I sprained my ankle and am now hobbling on crutches. So I have nothing to do but paint for the next couple (probably 7) days.


Expect to see more.

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Nice to see that your still alive and kicking (or not :woot:). Painting looks good actually, but I'm unsure about the blue on the boot. Might just be because they aren't finished yet. Good news about finishing the exams. Lucky me has a week of practicals where I get assessed on my skills as well as write up a bunch of reports then later on get to endure 2 weeks of exams. The sprained ankle seems to be a blessing in disguise as you now have an excuse to paint.



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i agree with sons of horus chaos *need* landspeeders .A few days ago i played my m8s really sad salamanders with 6 dreads 4 speeders and 10 termies and even with my chaos might i got ownd 3,7 in an anihilation match *cant spell :woot: * but his land speeders obliterated me wonder if gw will include landspeeders in the 5th ed chaos codex and beutiful model i wish gw made a landspeeder storm box set :woot:
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The sprained ankle seems to be a blessing in disguise as you now have an excuse to paint.

Haha, you might think so, except apparently sprained ankles do not heal well at all unless they are constantly kept elevated. So I have to rearrange some stuff to be able to paint while lying mostly prone - and my girlfriend's goodwill towards grabbing me food and books and things from all over the house is ... wearing thin?


@The blue boot: the boot is blue because the shoulder pads will be blue, and, more importantly, so will most of the speeder, the scout bikes, and the full fledged marines of the rest of the chapter - should I ever get to that point, anyway. The blue looks comically highlighted in this picture, but in real life its not.


@Practicals: sounds a lot like what my Naturopath-in-training friends have to do when they do their "clinics;" give treatments to real patients under the watchful eye of a licensed instructor/naturopathic doctor.


@Gunthar: GW is making a LSS plastic kit - there are pictures of it live in other posts in this very thread :P Anyway, I agree that Land speeders are awesome! :)


Will be doing more painting tonight! Updates incoming, thanks for all the encouragement!

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