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The Damned Dragon: A Legion of the Damned Dragon Knight

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I never thought I'd be here. With the lost souls of the Space Marines, my Lord Draco, he was there as well. All the souls were still though. Suddenly there was a flash of light. Everything about me, excluding my voice and willpower. All I could do was follow the orders of an unknown force. I had control over my tactics and new body. As I was inspecting my new body, I heard a voice in my head, ordering me to go to...Vulcanus! My original world? I knew I was one of the Damned Legionnaires now, and I was on my way to Vulcanus. There was a flash of golden light, and I appeared in the Ash Wastes of the planet, with Orks and Space Marines fighting. The only problem was, it looked like the battle where Lord Draco was killed. It was! I saw Terminator Chaplain Castell smashing apart Orks. Now I know how he won. We (the Legion of the Damned) had killed some Orks.

We walked forward, shooting the Orks. No one noticed us. They were too busy mourning over the Chapter Master or shooting Orks. I...swear I saw myself. I seem to remember seeing the Legion of the Damned after Lord Draco died. I swear.

There was a flash of golden light in my vision again, and I was back in the Damned Realm. I saw another legionnaire appear. He came up to me and punched me. I exploded in a blast of red light and found myself in control of a dragon. I noticed that this new legionnaire was once a Chaos Marine. I killed him! In the Damned Realm, a spirit realm, and I killed him! How exhilarating! Another flash of red light, and I was a legionnaire again. Back to a job of helping Space Marines, for eternity.

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