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Iron Hands Tactical Squad


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OK. I've seen a lot of Iron Hands material posted lately and thought I better get cracking and photograph my last few projects.


So here is one, a Tactical Squad:








Colors are a little more yellow than in RL - I guess a batter camera doesn't make for a better photographer. <_<


And a pair of Servitors...



And Apothecary:



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Nice looking squad, I always appreciate Iron Hands, seeing as that's how the Constrictors started.


I like the Apothecary as well. I just used a command squad with a basic captain for the first time, and Feel No Pain is the best thing since power armour.


I would like to see more complicated bases, but that's my only gripe.

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I wouldn't be so quick to blame your photography skills -- normally I hate it when people blame the camera, but in this case it really does look like it is at fault. Unless you had it on a really low-quality setting or a really, really high ISO speed.


Regardless, they look great.

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Thanks - I wouldn't know as I haven't gpt enough of them assembled and painted to field a legal army yet!


Bannus, are you painting those using the "Lunchbox" glaze technique?

I don't know - what is the "Luchbox" glaze technique?

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Yeah, I have a hard time with the lighting because I'm trying to photograph - essentially - black and silver models. Too much light and the silver glows...too little and you can't see any detail in the black.


Anyway, I took a couple more photos and tried to make some adjustments using photobucket, here they are:










The pics are definitely clearer - but the lighting/color issue remains.


I'll continue to practice!

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These look great! For a tip on shooting black marines, experiment with bold color backgrounds, then you can go into photoshop and adjust curves to your hearts content. If you use a complementary background it will bleed out your marines. Try construction paper. Green, purple would probably work best maybe blue.
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Way to go Bannus! I know how much you love these guys and it shows. A lot of great work there. I am so tempted to dip my foot into a shooty Iron hands army.... this tempts me moreso!


I know what you mean about the photography.... it sure adds a difficulty factor. It's looking really, really good... nice and gritty.

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Very nice work, bannus. They look very gritty and oily, as befits Iron Hands.


So tell us, how many Iron Hands tac boxes have you bought so far? Have you found it hard to create variation amongst Marines with the pieces provided? I'm looking to pick up a couple of those bionic leg sets, and maybe some of the other parts in the kit, but wonder what my chances of moving/reselling the spare parts after I cherry-pick the ones I want.

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Thanks guys. I'll try the bold backdrop on the next batch of photos I take and see how it goes. Thanks for all of the photography tips.


So tell us, how many Iron Hands tac boxes have you bought so far?

Not sure really. I know I bought seven boxed sets off of eBay way back when the set was introduced. Maybe one or two more here and there. There was a seller who had them priced at $18.00 Buy It Now - this was when Iron Hands weren't selling so well and I capitalized on it.


I also bought a bunch of individual bitz from GW over the years and recently picked up some more bitz from an eBay auction.


It does give my the stockpile I need to make the squads look the way I imagine them.


Have you found it hard to create variation amongst Marines with the pieces provided?

Yes and no. I combine the Iron Hands bitz with any other bionic and techno bitz I can scavenge to give me more diversity in my choices, but it is still pretty limiting. I use other bionic heads from the old Assault Squad sprue, Deathwtch sprue and Commander and vehicle sprues. Then there is the issue with the bitz themselves. For example: One of the sets of bionic legs is in a rather odd stance - making natural looking poses difficult.


As more bitz come available, I'll integrate them into my units as well. I want to pick up a couple of the DA Techmarine heads and the new heads from the Crusader/Redeemer kit to give me even more choices.


I'm looking to pick up a couple of those bionic leg sets, and maybe some of the other parts in the kit, but wonder what my chances of moving/reselling the spare parts after I cherry-pick the ones I want.

With the reduced access to the bitz, they seem to sell pretty well on eBay - even incomplete sets. I know I have to let a bunch of auctions go before there is one I can snag because the price is too high for what I'm willing and able to pay.


is it the photo or does the apothecary's right foot have a crazy mold line on it?

No, it isn't a crazy mold line - just a mold line. :)

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bannus, in regards to your lighting/color issues:


Does your camera have different lighting settings? For example, mine can filter for Tungsten, Sunlight, etc. Those tend to help some with the color. My OttLite sheds blue-ish light, and I have to set the filter to account for that. You can also use the Auto-Levels adjustmet on Photoshop or Picasa to fix it. There used to be a great tutorial on color adjustment over at weetoysoldiers.com, but the site is now defunct.

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..any plans on a Master of the Forge techmarine?

I have one based off of the mail-order only Techmarine in the works.


This is my current Iron-Father:









I switched to a blue background - but I think I had accidentally changed a setting on the camera - as the close-ups are a bit washed out.

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