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Iron Hands Captain and Standard Bearer


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Here is a Captain and Standard Bearer I started a while back for my Iron Hands. the new Codex stalled out my project as I'm not sure how I want to equip them now. The chainsword on the SB may get replaced.


So here is my indecisiveness:



good start i figure

any pictures of other minis?

The Apothecary is done and in a thread in the Hall of Honor. No other part of the Command Squad has been built. As I said, I'm indecisive. ;)


how will they based?

As I really loathe basing - all they get is some gravel drybrushed w/Codex Grey.


They look great, Bannus. Funny, though, that Standard Bearer only has 2 non-bionic components: a right arm and a lower left leg ^_^ Probably from having to stand around holding that banner during all the battles :huh:

Actually, it is his left arm. :P


I've been learning more and more about how to use this camera - better pics will be coming soon.


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