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This'll be my permanent thread for WIPs and drafting sketches.


Odds are, there'll be a lot more sketches and color tests than actual conversion pictures due to the fact that I'm currently in University and all of my 40k stuff, save for my codices, are at home. I love C&C so keep the comments piling, especially once the thread starts filling out. Even flaming works to my advantage, in some respects.


To start off, here's the conceptualization for my Marshal who's coming along quite nicely, if you count just an arm good progress. This'll be my very first conversion work, so I'm pretty nervous about how it'll turn out.




Will update with some photos of the actual conversion work being done once I get home this weekend.

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Forgive the cruddy photo quality... My digital camera is cheap.


Finished Head



Some progress. The Upper body, arm, and head aren't glued together, just some putty holding it. I feel like the arm is a little too long, so I might end up trimming it at the shoulder.




Finished Helmet. Just put it on the upper body since the right arm isn't finished.




@Sgt. blank


Personally I'm going for a more honorable look rather than fanatical. Still, you're right that it doesn't look very templar-like... looks more Arthurian than anything else.



@ S.O.N.


I sure hope so, too.

The concept looks great and I get what is being said about the moustache lolz. Looks a bit odd on most marines but with templars (and wolves) it seems to be totally cool. From a gamming aspect id strongly suggest go for the second power claw. But if it your more after the look then the affect on battle then keep the model as your stunning concept artwork is.


Cheers Messanger

The concept looks great and I get what is being said about the moustache lolz. Looks a bit odd on most marines but with templars (and wolves) it seems to be totally cool. From a gamming aspect id strongly suggest go for the second power claw. But if it your more after the look then the affect on battle then keep the model as your stunning concept artwork is.


Cheers Messanger


Actually is equipped with a 2nd power-claw. Just that it's retracted in the picture and you really can't see the blades.

For a Work in Progress, it's looking brilliant! You've certainly captured the image very well so far.


Consider this Topic watched, and good luck with the rest of the WiP Process :lol:



Haha, thanks a lot. Hope the thread doesn't disappoint.


Since I'm stuck back on my University's campus with next to nothing 40k related, and since I certainly can't let this thread drop off into the void for an entire week or longer, here's a small sketch I did a while back.






Will be working on a concept sketch for my next planned conversion tomorrow. A Venerable Dreadnought. Prob with this one is that most of the parts I need are somewhere in the loop with Bit Kingdom. (It's been 3 weeks since I ordered...)

The concept looks great and I get what is being said about the moustache lolz. Looks a bit odd on most marines but with templars (and wolves) it seems to be totally cool. From a gamming aspect id strongly suggest go for the second power claw. But if it your more after the look then the affect on battle then keep the model as your stunning concept artwork is.


Cheers Messanger


Actually is equipped with a 2nd power-claw. Just that it's retracted in the picture and you really can't see the blades.


Ooooh... like that Idea... So he's basically like Wolverine?


Great model so far, lovin' it! i'm keeping an eye on this :lol:



  • 2 weeks later...

Another filler till I get back home this weekend.


This is a design rough-draft for one person in a collaborative chatpic that's been due for a certain community I'm part of. Deal was was that I'd do the lines, someone else did the colors. Original idea was to have the entire community at a cafe of some sort, but that didn't hold my attention so I decided to switch it so that everyone's part of a command squad of an unknown chapter of SMs in the middle of a battle (Templarish iconography is most likely temporary). Ironically, I'm the only 40k player in the community. I've got at least a dozen of these to do before I can start on the actual drawing...




Inb4 No female speeehs mareeens. I can't help the gender of whoever it is I'm drawing, and frankly, I find the entire "no female space marines" ideology ridiculously misogynistic and bigoted. So don't bug me about it.





Concept sketch for the Upcoming BT Venerable dread conversion I'll be working on once I'm through with my Marshal. Was rather quick, not even 10 minutes (plus almost no knowledge on Dreadnought anatomy...) so some detail was sacrificed. This isn't the actual drafting sketch I'll be basing my converson off of.



I have to agree on the matter of the APoth i love making up female marines for my army and they add a new sight to the army that people notice. *looks over to his female force captain* so i am looking forward to what you plan to do for that apoth ^_^ wonder if i should make one now too as your pic gives me such ideas *rubs chin evilly*


as for the chaplian.. O.o funky but everytime I look at him he screams "harry Potter in power armor mofo" for some reason in my head...

More progress on the Marshal.






Shortened his arm a bit, added his backpack and Iron Halo. The IH gave me a bit of trouble because there's really no templar cross small enough to mount on it. Had to cut off the top of a BT banner and then trim off the edges till it was an acceptable size..


Shaved off the skull on the front to prep for the GS robes that'll be coming in sooner or later.


Will be filling in that HUGE gap in the knee tomorrow.


A pic of his right hand with the helmet placed in it:






... Yeah.. had quite a bit of trouble on the finger. Realized that I had to GS up to one joint, wait for it to dry a bit, then GS the rest. It took at least 2 hours to figure that out. Shaved the skull off of the helmet because I realized that would get in the way of the white cross that goes across the eyes when painting.


Aaaand some Neophytes I worked on while taking a break from shifting around the GS around my Marshal's Knee. Three guesses as to where I ripped this idea from..




Question, anyone know a good way to smooth down these helmets? Filing doesn't seem to be getting me anywhere and I find that I end up filing away details that I don't necessarily want gone if I'm not careful enough.

Last substantial update for this week since I'm going back to school for possibly the last time for the semester due to summer vacation.


Marshal with spare body and right arm attached.



a couple different angles.







Close up of the upper body that'll be used for the finished product




An angle of the backpack that wasn't previously shown




And as a bonus, here's a landspeeder I've put off painting for a while as I work on my marshal Just needs some scrawling text, I think.


  • 3 weeks later...

WOW, has it been a while since I last posted here.


Sorry guys, was a bit busy moving back home from the dorms and I was also being a bit lazy with taking well as the marshal conversion itself (0 progress since last picture. ZERO). However, since I'm back home and on summer vacation (at least until I find a part-time job), I'll be working on more things than just the marshal.


Anyways, I've been working on improving a couple of my vehicles, or more specifically my Vindicator and my Land Raider Crusader. The Crusader had an almost 3 year old paint job that was completely ridiculous (plus, someone in my family DROPPED it so the multi-melta is kapoot) so I went about stripping it down along with some other models including a dreadnought and an entire squad of sword brethren in a vat of Simple Green. The Sword Brethren are still drowning in the stuff because I was too lazy to fish them out.


Here's how the Crusader looks now after a few minor conversions and rebasing. Jeweler's chain to be attached once I'm finished painting it.





A few detail shots... Apologies on the blurring








My Vindicator was looking alright after I had originally finished painting it. All it really needed was a few litanies here and there as well as a bit of an aging effect on the whites, but while I was working on it I decided to take it a few notches further. Here are some shots of it. It's currently near-completion. I just need to wrap some chain around the cannon and add something to the end of the chain towards the back of the tank.





Ok, now then.


I need some help from anyone who comes by this thread and bothers reading anything I say...


Here's the deal. I've just recently bought a bottle of crackle medium to experiment with along with the jeweler's chain currently hanging off the sides of the Vindicator. I bought it strictly because I wanted to get my whites/bone color tones to look pretty much like this example: http://www.coolminiornot.com/204970


However, I have no idea how to go about doing it and the best I've been able to come up with through a bit of experimentation on some scrap plastic is this:




It literally looks like ork dung.


Does anyone know how to effectively use crackle medium on 40k models without making it come out like... ork dung?


Would appreciate any bits of information you can give me.


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